A Conversation for Teenage Issues
Come As You Are
Mike A (snowblind) Posted Oct 21, 2000
I still disagree with that. Not wanting to cause a war, but methinks they have no good heavy songs that justify appearences in so-called 'heavy' mags. I like my music hard, fast and heavy, and Blink 182 just aren't that. And I despise pop music.
I would normally be peaceful over these things and let them be, but it's insulting to see modern music controlled by legions of brainwashed dumb prebuescent young girls. Good honest bands s**t it out in order to get their music and whatnot across, but are put down by fly-by-night pop bands who contribute nothing but misery to the musical world. Any band who is a catalyst in that cannot be respected. More so if their music is s**te anyway.
Come As You Are
Mike A (snowblind) Posted Oct 22, 2000
This is actually very interesting. I read a fair bit of the music mags, and you always get conflicting interviews. People saying "music should be proactive not reactive", how screaming about how mummy didn't love you is so lame etc. Then there are those who simply thrive off songs about muder and hate etc. Which side are we to believe? Are we going to be able to write a song without being sniffed at by those who 'know better'?
Lyrically, it may sound like any other Slipknot or Marilyn Manson anti-white and anti-man. That is, if you're one of those Rage Against The Machine 'proactive' types. Each song about hate and bad karma tells it's own story, and has something individual to say. To get the most of these lyrics, you will have to understand this and read into it deeper than you might ordinarily. S'good!
So, how does the music on top go?
Come As You Are
Emily...overly fond of the ellipsis...and top ten lists...submit yours @ A87824361... Posted Oct 23, 2000
Lets just but it this way..........POP SUCKS BIG TIME!!!
Come As You Are
Mike A (snowblind) Posted Oct 23, 2000
Well, I don't know much Korn *^_^*. Soz...
I reckon if I set my mind to it, I could probably right a few lyrics and find tunes to go with them later. If I was to write music I'd just jump around making farty distorted noises that would sound cool on a guitar, and then get my mate to try and make them noises. Not actually jump up ansd down in front of him going rahrahraghh, but...
Actually, I ain't jammed with him for a while. I need to do some serious working out! God-DAMN!!!!!
Come As You Are
Emily...overly fond of the ellipsis...and top ten lists...submit yours @ A87824361... Posted Oct 24, 2000
God all my friends have been sing Blind for the last day or so.......scary!
And I got an email about a song writing town in my local school once a week....don't know if i'd go but it sounds like fun!!
Unfortunatley if you don't live in Blairgowrie, Perthshire Scotland than your f****d!
Come As You Are
Mike A (snowblind) Posted Oct 24, 2000
What the hell is Blind?
Well today I got the new Iron Maiden single Out Of The Silent Planet. A day late I know . I have it on CD and 12" picture disc LP, and have placed an order for the red 7". All individually numbered
Oh, I also bought Two Minutes To Midnight on 12" picture disc. 16 years old and with a B-side to die for....
Out Of The Silent Planet
Mike A (snowblind) Posted Oct 26, 2000
Damn it man. I'm an 80s metaller through and through! Admittadly, that's not strictly true, but I couldn't tell you anything about these new bands.
But, hey, even Kid Rock has admitted to liking AC/DC, ZZ Top and Lynryd Skynryd. You heard his new song?
Up the Irons!
Out Of The Silent Planet
Emily...overly fond of the ellipsis...and top ten lists...submit yours @ A87824361... Posted Oct 27, 2000
Loz lent me her Metallica CD the other day and I didn't have the time to listen to it so I recorded it to MD so I listen to it later....it was Master of Puppets by the way!
She's going to get Ali to lend me another one can't actually remember the band but I'll listen to it anyway and Dawn is going to lend me her KoRn CD.......They're trying to get me more and more into this stuff it's fairely overwhelming! *g*
What do you think of Hole it's yet another band they want me to get into but i'm not sure?
Out Of The Silent Planet
Emily...overly fond of the ellipsis...and top ten lists...submit yours @ A87824361... Posted Oct 28, 2000
Well as i'm a girl the looks of the women in the band doesn't really do much the music is much more important!!
Got any good band you think I should listen to?
Out Of The Silent Planet
Emily...overly fond of the ellipsis...and top ten lists...submit yours @ A87824361... Posted Oct 28, 2000
Which one do I already listen to
Metallica v-cool
Megadeth who?
Nirvana f*****g brilliant
Offspring good but never really got into them
Korn (early stuff)what I've heard I've liked
Sunna ?
Muse Cool
Marilyn Manson freaky
Led Zeppelin Very very cool
Deep Purple not sure haen't heard much of them
Jimi Hendrix some of it
Budgar no clue
Out Of The Silent Planet
Emily...overly fond of the ellipsis...and top ten lists...submit yours @ A87824361... Posted Oct 28, 2000
I know Bush can't remeber a bloody thing of theirs though?
See how you like 80's rock then you should look for the Millennium music albulm I mean half of it's f*****g crap ie/ Robbie by head is up my own arse Williams but it's got things like The Who, T-rex, Derek & the Dominoes(Layla you'll know) and the bet of them all Queen!!!
And Mike your Fav U2!
Ok so It's not a great albulm but it has a few redeming qualities!!
Key: Complain about this post
- 61: U135579 (Oct 21, 2000)
- 62: Mike A (snowblind) (Oct 21, 2000)
- 63: U135579 (Oct 22, 2000)
- 64: Mike A (snowblind) (Oct 22, 2000)
- 65: U135579 (Oct 22, 2000)
- 66: Mike A (snowblind) (Oct 22, 2000)
- 67: Emily...overly fond of the ellipsis...and top ten lists...submit yours @ A87824361... (Oct 23, 2000)
- 68: U135579 (Oct 23, 2000)
- 69: Mike A (snowblind) (Oct 23, 2000)
- 70: Emily...overly fond of the ellipsis...and top ten lists...submit yours @ A87824361... (Oct 24, 2000)
- 71: Mike A (snowblind) (Oct 24, 2000)
- 72: U135579 (Oct 26, 2000)
- 73: Mike A (snowblind) (Oct 26, 2000)
- 74: Emily...overly fond of the ellipsis...and top ten lists...submit yours @ A87824361... (Oct 27, 2000)
- 75: U135579 (Oct 28, 2000)
- 76: Emily...overly fond of the ellipsis...and top ten lists...submit yours @ A87824361... (Oct 28, 2000)
- 77: U135579 (Oct 28, 2000)
- 78: Emily...overly fond of the ellipsis...and top ten lists...submit yours @ A87824361... (Oct 28, 2000)
- 79: U135579 (Oct 28, 2000)
- 80: Emily...overly fond of the ellipsis...and top ten lists...submit yours @ A87824361... (Oct 28, 2000)
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