A Conversation for Ashford, Kent, UK

Ashford, Kent

Post 1

Mad Morris

That's a very cynical view and one which perpetuates the old myths about Ashford. It may not be the most exciting, picturesque or hip town in the universe, but who says it has to be? The town does have a brand new cinema complex, a state-of-the-art bowling centre, two new nightclubs, amazing countryside and pretty villages nearby and good access to virtually everywhere. It also seems to have local people who are determined to talk the town down, whatever the reality. Oh, and if you are walking three miles to get from the town centre to the cinema at Junction 9, you have taken a pretty major wrong turn. Exaggeration of that sort does your argument no good at all - and if you bear in mind the fact that very few people live IN the town centre, then siting the cinema away from the town actually puts more suburban residents (Kennington, Bockhanger, etc.) within walking distance than there would have been if it had been in the town itself.

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Ashford, Kent

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