Courtesy's Zen Garden & Tea House

16 Conversations

To what shall

I liken the world?

Moonlight, reflected

in dewdrops.

Shaken from a crane's bill.

- Doogen

Please come in and enjoy the peace and serenity of the first Zen Garden and Tea House on the H2G2 premises.

I offer this as a place to relax and enjoy the beauty of nature. We have a lovely Zen garden over there, and a great traditional Japanese garden, with a koi pond over there.

There are plenty of benches and the grass doesn't mind if you sit on it.

On the other side of the Zen Garden is a traditional Japanese Tea House, for those who prefer a little ceremony with their green tea. The tatami mats are fresh and the tea supurb.

Please feel free to sit back have some fun, think some thoughts, and discuss those thoughts with friends, strangers, or anyone else who happens to be around.

The old pond,

a straw sandle sunk to the bottom

sleet falling


Winter seclusion;

listening, that evening,

to rain in the mountains


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