Hootoo Withdrawal Song

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Hootoo Withdrawal Song

The sweet lament of a beautiful young woman, awaiting the return of her Internet connection so that she may be reunited with the love of her life once more. Yes, h2g2 does that to you.

As I sat in the kitchen one evening so fair,

(the window was open to let in fresh air).

I’d just finished my supper and I thought up this song.

Do not forget me, friends, I won’t be off long.

I’ll go and set up the computer,

I’ll sit and I’ll wait by the screen.

Please don’t forget, friends, I may not be there yet, friends,

But I’ll see you soon when the modem light’s green.

Oh, this BBC site is a place, I’ve heard said,

Where Hitchhikers meet when the light isn’t red.

Where entries are written and hamsters do play.

And the cold threat of real life is far, far away.


Where the Goo’s rather blue, and Alabaster is pale,

And the fish cycles by with a flick of its tail.

You chat at your leisure; there’s no work to do

Unless you’re doing the research for an entry or two …


When you get back from work and your long day is through

There’s chats, and there’s threads, and there’s forums there, too.

Everyone’s pretty, the smiley - choc is all free,

And so is the smiley - ale and so’s your smiley - xmastree


Now I don’t need a pub or a TV, not me.

Just give me some time at a networked PC.

I can’t be there yet, but the time won’t be long,

I’ll see you all Monday, now hark to my song:

I’ll go and set up the computer,

I’ll sit and I’ll wait by the screen.

Please don’t forget, friends, I may not be there yet, friends,

But I’ll see you soon when the modem light’s green.

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