A Conversation for Mumbai (Bombay), Maharashtra, India

Major *aspect* of Bombay missed!

Post 1

Researcher 185241

Arre kya??!!! A whole entry on Bombay without *one* mention of Bollywood - kya hua? Visitors to the fair city by the bay should not miss out on at least one screening of a Bolly flick. At best, the films are an entertaining and vibrant part of a living popular culture voraciously consumed by the locals. At worst....well, you can always go along and laugh at the hero's haircut!
According to my search, there's no Guide Entry on Bollywood at present...I may have to fix that!

BTW - your author is actually calling a "havaldar"(policeman), which may incite disbelieving chortles from your hawker. A quick and simple "nehi" (no) works in my experience.

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Major *aspect* of Bombay missed!

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