A Conversation for Is Bob Your Uncle?

it can get worse !

Post 1

Connie L

In many Chinese speaking countries, not just 'cousin', but most family terms ('aunt', 'uncle', 'sister', 'gran'pa', 'mother', etc.) are commonly used between individuals that are not related by blood at all...

Just an affectionate or polite way to address people.

In those cases, you must really go for pen and paper !

smiley - divaC.L.

it can get worse !

Post 2


It happens in many societies. In some instances there is almost a rule that to be polite you reduce the distance by one - so a cousin is referred to as a brother and a member of the clan is referred to as a cousin.

The pencil and paper then becomes essential, as you say!

it can get worse !

Post 3


For many Asian communities its common for young to address any adult as Aunty or Uncle.

it can get worse !

Post 4


For many Asian communities is common for young to address any adult as Aunty or Uncle.

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