A Conversation for Birmingham, Alabama, USA


Post 1


i know, i know..this is my entry so i should not start a chat on it but i just had to remind myself of the trouble getting it going. when i wrote it i was doing to many things at once and had it all screwed up. glad to see it is straightened out now smiley - smiley


Post 2

jrhuxley, patron saint of dragonflies and protector of chipmunks

You may want to correct the part about Vulcan as he is now inpieces being repaired. Otherwise it was a good article although brief. It left me feeling very cold about the city of birmingham, and as a resident of two years I love it here.


Post 3


there are additions that can be added to it, yes. when this was written it was because the ptb's were doing a thing about birmingham, uk and i informed them that there was also a birmingham, al, usa. we decided that while the uk birmingham was being written about i would do a quick one on birmingham usa just to give a balance to it all. i know it comes across a bit cold but the whole point was just a brief overview of the city. i would not object to you doing one on the life of birmingham alabama, actually i think it would be a great idea. i'd do it myself but tend to find myself burning candles at both ends lately smiley - winkeye.
btw, two years in birmingham...in the city limits or one of the many cities around birmingham? i have been in gardendale for 10 years now and love it smiley - bigeyes.


Post 4

jrhuxley, patron saint of dragonflies and protector of chipmunks

I am actually in Homewood. I am very new to H2G2, but i would love to try to write something about B'ham. It may take some time as I am also pretty busy. Just let me know what to do with it or where to write it , etc. Thanks!


Post 5


if you travel to the bottom left side of your homepage you will see a section you can click on to create guide entries. they also have helpful hint links in there so that you know what they are looking for with the writing style, content and such. obv. they are looking for british spelling with the writing but even if you aren't good at the british spellings if you have msword it can be changed to do spell checks in uk for you. makes it much easier smiley - smiley.
once you have written and submitted it the article goes to a review section where researchers can give you ideas on what needs changed. it is very helpful on speeding up the acceptance of your article.
go for it and don't worry about how long it takes, best to do the article offline then when it is done transfer it to h2g2. two reasons, internet flops and you don't loose it and if you have to stop you can save it until later without having researchers spotting it and thinking it is finished smiley - smiley


Post 6

jrhuxley, patron saint of dragonflies and protector of chipmunks

Thanks for the advice! I will get right on it smiley - erm !


Post 7


don't be worried, everyone has to start somewhere and if you find yourself needing help or advise just wave and i'll do my best to help (if i can't i have connections around here and am sure i can find someone very helpful for you)


Post 8

jrhuxley, patron saint of dragonflies and protector of chipmunks

thanks! It will probably be a while before I find the time to attempt this...or then again I may get bored this weekend and have it all done. I appreciate your inviting me to do this as I need more challenges in my intellectual arena right now. I will definately let you know when (not if)I need your assistance.smiley - flyhi


Post 9


i'll be here. now another thing if you are interested is the Post. back before i was too busy to take on the challanges i did two weekly items for the Post and helped shazz get it up on time (well, mostly on time smiley - laugh). vegiman started it then shazz, pastey and i ran with it. they are always looking for fresh blood smiley - winkeye


Post 10

jrhuxley, patron saint of dragonflies and protector of chipmunks

what is the Post?


Post 11


if you click on my name it will take you to my homepage. once there look for the word 'Post" and click on it. that will take you to h2g2's virtual newspaper. lots of articles written by researchers, a weekly cartoon by wowbagger, fun to do things and so on. very interesting smiley - smiley.


Post 12

jrhuxley, patron saint of dragonflies and protector of chipmunks

Thanks! I'll go check it out! smiley - ok


Post 13

jrhuxley, patron saint of dragonflies and protector of chipmunks

My friend fuzzylovebunny is going to help me write this. how do we show that both of us wrote the entry together? smiley - erm


Post 14


you should be able to put a note at the bottom of the article giving credit to the both of you. there have been a couple of articles (dry skin and nats or something like that) that i have been a part of just through the discussion thread attached to the article which have tons of writer names attached. this also means that when it is approved the article will show up on the bottom right of your page and bunnies.


Post 15


btw, what exactly is a fuzzylovebunny? smiley - winkeye


Post 16

jrhuxley, patron saint of dragonflies and protector of chipmunks

Thanks! and I don't know what a fuzzylovebunny is , I'll ask him!smiley - huh


Post 17

jrhuxley, patron saint of dragonflies and protector of chipmunks

he says it used to be the name of
his turtle who was a boxing turtle that
was so smart he deserved a three word name.smiley - loveblush Isn't that just too precious?


Post 18


a turtle with the name 'fuzzylovebunny' smiley - huh
it is cute though, i have to admit...very sweet smiley - bigeyes

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