The CAC Continuum
Created | Updated Sep 9, 2004
CAC Continuum: The Dead Planet Issue
Fiction Weird Science First/Personals Kitchen SyncronicitiesSatire
It seems to be an odd fact of planetary discovery that astonomers and other interested parties have found few planets similar in size to our own particular orb, and those few are either dead or circling a sun of vastly different intensity compared to our own. It could be that ours is the only planet in the reachable (hah!) universe that is inhabited by beings like weselves. Odds being what they are, there might be another one, somewhere on the other side of light and time, but we will never know it unless fictional magic suddenly springs into being. Even God has a calendar. There are limitations. If, as some bored physicists have suggested, the universe is shaped like a hollow twisted parody of a torus, with a continuous surface... Ah, I can't even begin to visualize that without losing a few hours to simple stupid madness at the mind-boggling...
The Bill of Fare:
(insert creative description of entry here)
Researcher X
dose aliens were condms???.
(Insert creative lying here)
Earth aliens unite for self study and pro creation.
(Insert creative writing here)
on the topic of music and Aliens.
(insert attribution of crime here) This week's collation was begged, borrowed or stolen from various places on this site.
Just goes to show what you can find when you're not looking.
The boilerplate:
(Insert bizarre banality here)
We wouldn't do it without you.
The Committee for Alien Content(ment) salutes you!
This remarkable example of fetal development fed, burped, changed and put down to nap by
(tonsil revenge)!
The CAC Continuum Archive
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