Over the years decades centuries,mileniums etc, Aliens have apparently been visiting us in different forms and guises. if one can be bothered to look back far enough through the archives of history and the 'supernatural', he/she will almost always find some reference to 'visitors' from the sky. For example, strange men and women with apocalyptic visions, unexplained abductions and dissapearances, huge animals in the mountains, weird creatures in the sea and lakes etc. there's also that story about the Marie Celeste, and the guys in England somewhere who fell asleep one snowy night and woke up to find footprints in the snow stretching for a huge distance with immeasurable accuracy, over houses, through walls and generally loads of stuff that was hitherto considered impossible. Without wandering too far off the point, i think it relevant ot mention the pyramids of Egypt. some people believe that they were built by an ancient race from the lost city of Atlantis, I.E. The Antlantians. these guys were mostly popularised by Plato and thought to be practically superhuman. they were Bigger, more Intelligent, strong, wealthier, and all round more perfect model of the current Human race. however, as legend has it, they became corrupt, and evetually as all supossedly utpian socieities do, destroyed themselves and got lost somewhere in the vicinity of Greece. Speculation, so far suffering a severe lack of evidence, suggests that these people were of Alien descent and humans are a more imperfect descendant of the same.(some people may be interssted to know that it was the model of the Atlantis citizens that Hitler used when trying to create the perfect Ayran race). So, one may wonder, are the prescence of Alien descent present in the twenty first century?. All things considered, the Greeks had Atlantis, then the pyramids, the English had the dodgy footprints in the snow, the french an abandoned ship, the scots a long necked monster and the Irish not to ne outdone, had leperchauns. i believe in an increasingly globalised society it is hard to decipher any extra terrestrial influence in the world, therefore, like all humans and species in the world, the Alien influence has Adapted. and what Better global link has the world at the moment than music?(okay i know theres the internet but a person chooses to surf the net, whereas music is often unsolicited, radio etc.) consequently, whenever it is that people look back on the present time they will see our music as sometimes dangerous, sometimes beneficial but always massively influential. To take but one example, The Beatles are reputed to have changed the world. The pope condemned them as an evil influence,and the Soviet Union even blamed them for the collapse of communism due to the influence they had on the Russian youth!. The band itself was obviously talented beyond belief and will most likely outlive all the bands of the recent century. Jim Morrison and the doors lived trying to break the 'Doors of Perception' and unleash the unlocked power of the mind. a power which would no doubt allow humans to surpass their current limitations of physical, mental and psychological power. David Bowie on the other hand, claims to have seen a U.F.O. it had such an immense effect on him he wrote the hit song 'starman'.The main issue i am addressing the is the indirect attempts of non human intelligent life too make humans aware of their prescence.it seems to me that the traditional forms of communication such as talking, writing etc are incomprehensible to our Extra terrestrial counterparts.
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