QED 36
Created | Updated Aug 5, 2004

Computers, robots, androids or something in between. We all know them from film, TV and
literature, but can you tell me from which film, book or TV series each of the below home made
entities belongs. All you have to do is sort out which of the three possible answers is the correct
If you would like to send your answers to us here at we will give
you a mention in next week's edition. An email address has been handily provided for you below the
I, Robot
- Data
A. Flash Gordon
B. Star Trek
C. The Black Hole - R2D2
A. The Terminator
B. Star Trek
C. Star Wars - Mother
A. Alien
B. 2001: A Space Odyssey
C. Battle Beyond the Stars - The Tin Man
A. Battlestar Galactica
B. The Blues Brothers
C. The Wizard of Oz - Gort
A. The Day the Earth Stood Still
B. Day of the Triffids
C. Westworld - C3PO
A. Doctor Who
B. Star Wars
C. Stargate - K9
A. Stargate
B. Star Wars
C. Doctor Who - Robby the Robot
A. Forbidden Planet
B. Terminator 2: Judgement Day
C. The Puppetmasters - Marvin
A. Robocop
B. The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy
C. Blakes 7 - Number 5
A. Battle Beyond the Stars
B. Space Cowboys
C. Short Circuit
Send your answers to [email protected], please include
your h2g2 researcher name and 'U' number, so credit can be given where it is due.
Correspondence should be with me no later than Tuesday 10th August
Those that Deserve a Pat on the Back
The Gold Medal Winners are -
St. Demon Drawer - All Ten
Questions Correct.
ShazzPRME - All Ten
Questions Correct.
Pond_Rat - All Ten Questions Correct.
A. Dr Justin - All Ten Questions Correct.

Easily Effective 'E' Word Answers
- Interception of light of sun, moon etc.
A. Eclipse - Bewitch, charm or delight.
A. Enchant - Frame to support picture etc.
C. Easel - Make mistake(s)
B. Err - Small hole in leather, cloth, sail etc.
A. Eyelet - Have a place in reality.
C. Exist - Conventional rules of manners.
C. Etiquette - Beginning of an era in history
B. Epoch - Limit.
A. End - Dry Land.
B. Earth

'H2IQ' Revisited
You need a mind as slippery as an Eel, and a talent for seeing
things from a different angle to understand H2IQ. A popular h2g2 quiz for several years, H2IQ
returns to once again tease and frustrate with questions and problems for you to solve. In each
I will repeat a question once used in the 'infamous' H2IQ quiz and all you have to do is answer it in
the 'H2IQ Revisited' conversation below. All those who give vaguely the correct answer will have
their name printed in the next published QED. Now for the question...
In a box you have 13 orange marbles and 15 black marbles. You also have 28 black marbles outside
the box. You remove two marbles, randomly, from the box. If they are of different colours, you put
the orange one back in the box. If they are the same colour you put a black marble in the box.
Continue this until only one marble remains in the box.
What colour is the last marble?

Last Times H2IQ Revisited Answer
Q. If you put a coin in an empty bottle and insert a cork into the neck of the bottle, how could you
remove the coin without taking the cork out or breaking the bottle?
A. You push the cork into the bottle.
Those with the correct answer or at least agreed with the correct answer
Danny B.
In total agreement was -
Person who somehow managed to get their entire body stuck inside the bottle was -
Person who tried it but found a model sailing ship in the way was -
Person who thought it was a damn stupid idea was -
Master B