A Conversation for Spider Plants

Perfect for the horticulturally incompetent

Post 1


One important feature of spider plants you didn't mention is that it's virtually impossible to kill one. This makes them perfect for those with 'limited' ability in caring for houseplants, such as students.

You really have to try to kill a spider plant, as no amount of neglect, poor care or physical damage seems to finish them off. Although I have to admit I once did manage to kill one (through about 8 weeks of continuous non-watering), they can almost always be brought back to life with a bit of water, however brown and ill they're looking.

Perfect for the horticulturally incompetent

Post 2


Tomato plants also - mine are going bonkers on teh balcony despite being very neglected smiley - smiley

Perfect for the horticulturally incompetent

Post 3


You neglect your plants?

I hate to think what state your mouse/rat is in..
smiley - smiley

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Perfect for the horticulturally incompetent

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