A Conversation for Spider Plants


Post 1

Researcher 200790

My husband and decided to repot our spider plant about a week and a half ago. It was in a small pot but the plant was doing quite well and we thought it needed a bigger pot. When we pulled the plant out of the original pot, it was totally root bound. And neither of us really knew what the root system was supposed to look like. The roots were big and fat and they looked like they were ready to explode with water. So we decided to cut them all off and give them a fresh start. The plant has not done well! I was told by a friend to remove the plant from the dirt and put it in water to grow some new roots. This is what I've done but I still don't know if I'm doing the right thing!! Have I killed the plant? Should I give up on this one and just start fresh? I need some advice!! My husband usually takes care of the plants and I have just started getting involved in caring for as well. I'm really enjoying learning about the plants we have and the spider we have is a really pretty plant that I would love to try and save! Thanks for any advice!


Post 2


i'm alittle green fingered as my wife lets me deal with the plants. it sounds as this could be a lost cause you should have just left the roots ,when planting it in a bigger pot. even though the roots look massive they arent ready to burst they are just growing like you and me .

for example i bet you wouldnt be able to wear any of your clothes from when you were a kid ??

andysmiley - bat


Post 3


Sorry to butt in on your conversation, but if
Researcher "200790"
would go back to there own page and then click on the "EDIT PAGE" button and then write a little something about your self, as this will activate your page and then a ACE can come and welcome you there properly
Sorry for interrupting your conversation smiley - ok

Manda smiley - magic


Post 4


you cut off the tuberous roots, where they store food and water, similar in ways to dahlias etc, treat it like a baby spider plant and it should grow new ones. hope this helps

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