A Conversation for Spider Plants

Spider Plants

Post 1

Researcher 202179

I just recently realized that my spider plant has brown edges. I realize what is causing this but how do I fix it??? This is my second spider plant and the other one is doing fine. What am I doing wrong??? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. THANKS!!!!

Spider Plants

Post 2


Spider plants enjoy natural light, but not direct sunlight. You should place your plants near a window but not directly in them, this will cause browning of the leaves. The plants do well in cool rooms as long as there is enough light. You should keep your plants watered at least once a week and never soak the soil. If you find your spider plant’s leaves turning brown at the tips, this could be from the water you are using. Chemicals in water cause damage to spider plant leaves and you can remedy this by using distilled water.
You may want to use the drench let dry method. water every 3 days or so. and when you notice a little plant sprout that looks like a knot at the end of a branck, pinch it, and repot in a good potting soil. also make sure you keep it in the right sized pot. if you notice it's a little big, pick the plant out of the pot, if there is a large amount of roots tangled at the bottom of the soil. cut the roots off, cut slits in the soil around the edge and repot. trust me on that one. cutting the roots will not hurt the plant. also make sure you have a good draining pot also, and last but not least, the mot prefered pot for this and most house plants it the 'tara cotta' pot, which is good for drainage. just make sure there is a hole at the bottom. hopefuly this helped. sorry i ramble when it somes to this stuff

Spider Plants

Post 3


spider plants get brown tips on their leaves anyway, its just a fact of life, i pick those leaves of mature plants but it keep on happening so i just let the leaves die, the plant will live on dont worry

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