The h2g2 Poem
Created | Updated May 19, 2004
Towel Day
A towel is a thing.
A magnificent spectacle
A wondrous channel
It passed all the tests set at the judge's panel
How useful is a towel? I was asked one day
I can say I almost ran away
How can someone not know the joy of a towel?
It is a mystery most foul
For a towel I did cry,
Is a thing for to keep you dry!
A towel is the most versatile of things,
A chair and a table,
A cover, a bed if you are able
To know the uses of a towel is a thing most grand
But never turn down a helping hand.
A towels a thing for which researchers able
Should wave as a flag above the stable
Be proud of your towel your helpful friend
It can stop you from a sticky end,
Hurrah for towels and on this day
I say to you hip, hip hurray
Let us celebrate this glorious occasion
With cakes and drinks and towels,
Wore upon our heads like hats
Who was the genius who thought of that?