A Conversation for The Kayak: An Introduction


Post 1

Zarniroop (er.... I'll think of something amusing to put here soon!)

Loved your entry on glasters!
Am doing a link from mine at /A390836/ 
can I enlighten your toilet refs' -

2 other types you didn't mention exist, notably the best toilets on site!
A) The flush loos at the farm, they actually flush and are very like your toilet at home in design (only applicable in the uk!
B) The Water Aid thatched ones in the sacred space, arguably the best cleanest and furthest from the s**t on site, tho you must be prepared to sqaut!
Zarniroop (Ex-Pesident of the universe)
PS. If you don't get in touch in the next few weeks, I'll be tempted to steal your material for my entry and only give you a reference as a referenced researcher!


Post 2


You might be on the wrong forum for this entry I think....=smiley - smiley
Greetings....and toilets...good subject man way to go....

Greetings from a, wannabe Italian, Dutch guy...


Post 3

Zarniroop (er.... I'll think of something amusing to put here soon!)

Don't know how that happened!!
Wanting to be Italian when you're dutch, makes even less sense to me than this entry being in this forum!
Thanks for pointing out the mistake, tho I think I'll try and blame someone else.

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