A Conversation for Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, UK

Comments on Chelt

Post 61

Yeliab {h2g2as}


Were 2 today!

Comments on Chelt

Post 62


who is 2 today?
i am 21 on the 30th, hoorray and happy birthday to me.
by the way southampton is a good place, work down there for a while as a chef, near the new forest.
anyway, its time for me to PARTY!!!!!!
MAYOR hangover coming up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Comments on Chelt

Post 63

Yeliab {h2g2as}

As I said, were 2 today. Well yestoday now. It was 2 years yestoday that h2g2 begun on TW.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you in just exactly 1 hour!! smiley - winkeye

Soton for a chef. Hmm, well lots of places say there looking for work, not sure about chefs though, as I don;t get to many food establishments (poor student). And of course the forset is currently closed, but apart from that there are just loads of place to look for jobs, and sotons got huge numbers of h2g2ers.

What sort of thing are you looking for?

Oh yes Lisa, I bet my first h2g2er on Friday. Really odd, just saw him in the comp room and said hi. It's Bluebottle. I also saw the room, well door to the room, of where the president was sleeping!

Comments on Chelt

Post 64

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

happy birthday! smiley - cake

You met Bluebottle! class! smiley - smiley
That's nothing.. I spoke to the prez on the phone the day after he was elected. smiley - bigeyes (I phoned him when he was in the shower...)

Comments on Chelt

Post 65


just recovering from the hangover.
please dont shout my head hurts,
what time is it? someone please bring me a cup of coffee, i need .............................quick toilet.....................................awwwwwwww thats bette, all that sick is ................................... aww just made it again. i am back off to bed.

Comments on Chelt

Post 66

Yeliab {h2g2as}

*makes lovely filter coffee with fair traded coffee (of course) and hands it out*

Yes but you haven't stood in the very house of the Prez and Bluebottle!

Everyone come along to the great h2g2 meetup in london. Maybe we could go as a Cheltenham party (so we know who we are before)?

Could all get the at Express down for £10.
What do you all think? It's on Satrday 7th of July. Make sure your not on holiday smiley - smiley

It would be GROOVEY!

Comments on Chelt

Post 67

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

I might be going I might be going, if I can be bothered to! There don't seem to be many problems with my parents allowing me this time. All that matters is arranging things now.

But I'm way too scared to meet you, Nick. *quivers* smiley - winkeye

Comments on Chelt

Post 68

Yeliab {h2g2as}

Well, if your going and I'm going, then we'll meet. But if we know who we are prior to getting there then ther'll be some one we know to talk to. Plus I'm scared of going to london on my own.

And if you get your h2g2 friends from school then it'll be me that's scared!

Comments on Chelt

Post 69

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

I don't think they'd be able to, for some reason

Comments on Chelt

Post 70

Yeliab {h2g2as}

Well, think about it. I'll be going Nat Express unless my petrol costs would be less (but I'd probably get lost in my car)

Comments on Chelt

Post 71

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

I don't think I will, actually. Maybe the Christmas one..

Comments on Chelt

Post 72

Yeliab {h2g2as}

Ah gwon.
Please, please don't leave me to get to London by myself. I'm only 19. I'm scared

Comments on Chelt

Post 73

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

I'm only 14, I'm scareder. smiley - tongueout

Comments on Chelt

Post 74

Yeliab {h2g2as}

True, true.

Comments on Chelt

Post 75

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

I know.. smiley - tongueout

*goes into real thinking sesh*

Should I go, should I not go..

Comments on Chelt

Post 76

Yeliab {h2g2as}

I'd be happy to travel with you and cousin etc.

Comments on Chelt

Post 77

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

I'll ask them tomorrow. smiley - smiley

Comments on Chelt

Post 78


make that 6

Comments on Chelt

Post 79

Yeliab {h2g2as}

<SMILEY TYPE="confused"/> ?:-|

why 6?

Comments on Chelt

Post 80


I used to live in Cheltenham and my parents still do.

I was down last week for the Science Festival (described incidentally by Adam Hart-Davies as 'probably the finest Science Festival in the country') and I was struck when walking back from the town hall to my Mum's house on London Road that one of the most striking things about the town is the fantastic Sandford Park. I know of no other park that is quite as nice to walk through on a sunny summer evening.

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