A Conversation for Progressive Rock

Classical, Indeed

Post 1

Steve K.

I think Jethro Tulls' version of Bach's "Bouree" is a great ... uhh, cover. Take a catchy Bach tune, add a little swing, and voila! I think JSB wrote it for lute, so maybe he had prog rock in mind.

Paul Simon also lifted a Bach melody for "American Tune". The tune is from one of Bach's definitive four part chorales, although Bach reportedly didn't write all these tunes, either, just used pop tunes of the day so congregations could sing them without rehearsal. Starland Vocal Band, famous (infamous?) for "Afternoon Delight", in turn covered the Simon tune, performing it as an a cappella four-part chorale, a nice gesture. smiley - cool Whoever wrote that tune is due a LOT of royalties. smiley - thief

Classical, Indeed

Post 2


i love bach motzart,chaikovski,jazzand country music and jim reeves

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