A Conversation for Progressive Rock
Post Team Started conversation Aug 5, 2004
How can you say that Camel is 'not so well known'?
They were hugely influencial in the 70s (think of 'The Snow Goose') and are still going strong. I went to see them in 2002 and they were as impressive and slick as ever.
Mu Beta Posted Aug 5, 2004
Shazz, however well-known they may have been in Holland does not necessarily carry over to Britain.
I am surprised to see no mention of Deep Purple (to my mind the original 'prog' group + quick plug for A865956), but I appreciate that 'genre' entries as this are very difficult to write subjectively. I had to edit one on Underground Metal, which attracted no end of controversy.
Post Team Posted Aug 5, 2004
I only moved here 4 years ago... they were most certainly huge in the UK in the 70s!
I agree about Deep Purple although I suspect they are classed as just about everything except Prog rock:
Classic Rock, Hard Rock, Metal, Rock/Pop
jdjdjd Posted Aug 5, 2004
I always used to flick past multiple copies of a Camel album at the local library record section in the early '80s. No-one ever seemed to take it out and I'd never heard of them, but I assumed at the time they must be a big American band on the basis of there being so many copies.
Steve K. Posted Aug 5, 2004
From allmusic.com:
"Deep Purple survived a seemingly endless series of lineup changes and a dramatic mid-career shift from grandiose progressive rock to ear-shattering heavy metal to emerge as a true institution of the British hard rock community ..."
So, yeah, all over the map. Still, "Hush" is one of my faves, especially for a cover.
Mu Beta Posted Aug 5, 2004
The '88 re-cover of Hush is absolutely stonking and one of my all-time faves.
It's hard to pin down a 'shift from progressive rock to heavy metal', though. They managed to combine both on several albums.
Deuce Posted Aug 5, 2004
I cannot believe no one has even mentioned the greatest prog-rock band of all time... This band has been around the music scene since 1970('ish) and are still going strong today... albeit in smaller nightclubs and venues of a more seedy nature. I saw them in Salt Lake City about 5 years ago. They were amazing....
How can you not talk about KANSAS?
The line up has changed back and forth over the years and from what I can gather has all but two original members. not bad for a 7 member group huh? There has been some talk of one of those either re-joining or at least collaborating on there next studio album. (Yes that is right they are still cranking out the music.)
Good on them too!
I will have to do some research but I think I may be able to put together an entry for them in the next month ot two!
Mike D'Anna Posted Aug 5, 2004
Kansas was indeed a great band, perhaps, along with Happy the Man, the finest prog group ever to come out of America. Being American, however, and relative latecomers to the genre as well, they didn't really warrant a big section in this article, but I'd love to see an entry on them!
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