A Conversation for Superstitions

Self Preservation Superstitions

Post 1


I have a few superstitions which I don't mind admitting:

Don't walk under a moving bus

Never throw sand at someone who gets angry easily

Those who shout "faschist scum!!!" in public libaries will be ejected


Self Preservation Superstitions

Post 2


Just as a precaution I always put on my left boot first. I'm not sure why I do this. If for some reason I start off with my right boot I take it off and start over. Left boot = good. Right boot = bad.

What the hell?

Self Preservation Superstitions

Post 3

chunky bear

I have a book of Fortune at home and it says you should always put your right shoe on first otherwise you will have bad luck for the rest of the day.

It also says that moles on the left side of the body are good fortune, on the right side are not !(?????)


Self Preservation Superstitions

Post 4

Cheerful Dragon

What about moles on the left side of the garden?

Self Preservation Superstitions

Post 5


Moles are generally bad luck regardles which side of the garden they are on....I think...or theyr'e just bad....

Self Preservation Superstitions

Post 6


Especially if they're digging under the foundations...

Self Preservation Superstitions

Post 7


I feel weird if I don't get out of the left hand side of the bed!

Self Preservation Superstitions

Post 8


My bed is always against the wall, so I've never encountered this difficulty...

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