A Conversation for Wizard Lore - an Introduction
Glad to see this on the front page
Z Started conversation Apr 1, 2004
I think it's an excellent entry I notice that the author hasn't posted for a while so I hope that he does come back for his moment of glory
Glad to see this on the front page
J Posted Apr 1, 2004
Looks like he's seen it... he's been complaining about me at F1744006?thread=383753
I suggested this be Editor's Choice...
Glad to see they went with the obvious choice.
Glad to see this on the front page
Baron Grim Posted Apr 1, 2004
I've missed this kinda entry. There for awhile it seemed that humour was outlawed. Most of the entries were as dry as last years bread crumbs... I'm not saying I didn't like them, but it IS nice to see an entry like this one. I'll probably give it a reread later as I may have missed some of the nuances.
btw on the subject of wizard headgear, most people will agree that Nicol Williamson's shiny silver widow's peak skullcap was wonderfully iconic. Of course those in the know will know that the only reason it existed was due to a compromise between the director, John Boorman, who wanted a bald Merlin, and Nicol Williamson, who refused to cut his hair!
(And how does Nicol put so many sylables in otherwise short words?)
Glad to see this on the front page
Kyle Katarn - I promise I'll get to you in a moment... but which moment? Posted Apr 2, 2004
I wasn't complaining about you personally. I was just complaining in general. And the joke at the end is ruined. Forthwith doesn't mean right now, it means forthwith.
On an unrelated note, it's not just on the front page, it's on the top of the the front page.
Glad to see this on the front page
Kyle Katarn - I promise I'll get to you in a moment... but which moment? Posted Apr 2, 2004
Also, people can see the end by the time they can physically read the word forthwith. So it makes no sense twice. Whereas before it simply made sense once.
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Glad to see this on the front page
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