A Conversation for Light Bulb Jokes
How many Moderators
Researcher 178815 Started conversation Aug 5, 2001
This joke was part of the task 2 when I was in the Post's Big Bandwagon;
How many moderators does it take to change a light bulb?
[Answer removed by moderator]
How many Moderators
Martin Harper Posted Aug 29, 2002
Two. The first to replace the original light bulb with stars, the second to refer the problem of adding a new light bulb to the Italics.
How many Moderators
Researcher 178815 Posted Aug 29, 2002
And the Third ... To put the phrase "This Light Bulb will be replaced with the previous light bulb, on the 21st January, 2091"
on a plague near the switch
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How many Moderators
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