A Conversation for The Art of the Martini
Gin vs vermouth and the development of "vermouthphobia"
Perfectly_Normal Started conversation Feb 14, 2006
Absolutely marvellous post! There is indeed nothing more controversial than the “correct” method of making a martin (especially for the dry martini).
One notable phenomenon which may be observed in any given martini drinking circle is the development of a “school” of martini craftspeople who are particularly inclined to reduce the amount of vermouth relative to the amount of gin to nothing more than a whisper. Thus one may encounter people who do a 12 to 1 mix, then those who prefer to only coat the mixing glass and discard the vermouth, some who go a step further and just wave the vermouth bottle over the shaker, and still others that merely place a few drops on the thermostat and turn it on low.
Arguably the most famous drinker of the martini was Sir Winston Churchill. It is said that when he was pouring the gin, he would merely glance in the direction of France, where the vermouth came from.
Drink up!
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Gin vs vermouth and the development of "vermouthphobia"
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