A Conversation for Perfect Mashed Potatoes

An Irish variation on humble mash

Post 1

Demon Drawer

In Ireland once the potatos are mashed, scallions (spring onions) are chopped and mixed in to mash. This is called Champ. The champ can then be served by itself or as a side dish. Traditional accompaniments are bacon and lettuce. Try this tomorrow and celebrate St. Patrick's Day in a traditional Irish way. smiley - smiley

An Irish variation on humble mash

Post 2

Doctor Doughnuts

My favourite recipe for mashed spuds is thus. Get a packet of Smash. Add a big, three-finger scoop of butter (or preferred butter substitute). Mix in garlic puree to taste and throw in finely grated cheese of choice. Add required hot water and half a cup of cream. Serve with bangers and baked beans. Yum. Hungry now. Must eat.

An Irish variation on humble mash

Post 3


Eeek! Smash ranks with Pot-Noodle and Cuppasoup in my book, but each to their own.

My current favourite is leek and mustard mash.

Make your mash and, while the potatoes are cooking, dry fry one finely chopped leek until soft and just starting to brown. Mash the potaotes and stir in the leek with a large teaspoon of wholegrain mustard. Yummmm!

If you prefer the variation use plenty of butter to fry the leek and make sure all this goes into the mash.

An Irish variation on humble mash

Post 4


Make mash with half potato half spinach, so it goes all green and icky looking. It's delicious.

An Irish variation on humble mash

Post 5


not even remotely irish smiley - smiley but my favourite form of mash is 3 big potatoes, a small turnip (a really fresh white one that's purple at the top is best), and a carrot all boiled together. as you're mashing them, add freshly ground black pepper, a slack handful of butter and a splash of milk to get the consistency right.

if you want something really flash you can add finely chopped chives and grate the hardest, crumbliest cheddar you can find over the top.

works well with a couple of cumberland sausages. yum.

An Irish variation on humble mash

Post 6


not mashed potatoes but I love it.
Potato fritata (sp.?). Much better than plain old fritata. I don't quite know how to make it, but basically it's like a fritata, but with mashed and sliced potatoes mixed in with the egg and vegetables of choice.
I first had it at a B&B and the recipe is now in the kitchen somewhere.

smiley - magicsmiley - teasmiley - magic

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