A Conversation for Cairo, Egypt

Pyramids not open to public?

Post 1

Queeglesproggit - Keeper of the evil Thingite Avon Lady Army and Mary Poppins's bag of darkness..

Are they only now allowing entrance to the great pyramid? When I went in late 2002, we went into Khufu's pyramid rather than Cheops, as it was less crowded with tourists.

Pyramids not open to public?

Post 2

Gnomon - time to move on

Khufu's pyramid is Cheops's pyramid. THey are two different names for the same pyramid. But it is possible that you mean Khafre's pyramid. If it is open now, I'm delighted! Only the big one was open when I was there.

Pyramids not open to public?

Post 3

Queeglesproggit - Keeper of the evil Thingite Avon Lady Army and Mary Poppins's bag of darkness..

Yes, Khafre's pyramid, that's the one I meant smiley - biggrin
Just remember it being quite stifling! But very cool smiley - ok

Pyramids not open to public?

Post 4

Dusanka...I'll be back(once)

i return from Egypt one month ago.The smallest one Mikeryns piramyd is open but you must pay ticket.Ticket is 10 egyption pound.(1 euro=7 egiption pound)Kheops pyramid is open from 8 in the morrning to 9 in the morning and just 150 people can go in,and ti's open from 14h to 15h and also 150 people can go in.Ticket is 120 egiption pound.
I cuold not go in,i try and come back.I told to myself:"it is better that yuo go out on your own leggs,than they bring you out when you swon deep inside."

Pyramids not open to public?

Post 5


I never went in a pyramid.

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