Buffy Links and Info!

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A smiley going through several mood changes
Buffy Links Page

Hi all! Welcome to the links page for Buffy the Vampire Slayer, here you will find links for all your favourite cast and characters plus loads of other great stuff!!

With the end of the show I thought a dedication was in order, compared to the joy and laughter BtVS brought us all over the years, this isn't alot, but it's here none the less!

Where Do We Go From Here?

Maybe you're in the mood for some of your favourite characters classic quotes? If you want to see your favourite in the mix, drop me a line and let me know!!

Land of the Funnies

You still here?? Cant get enough uh? Well check out these little gems then......

Buffy's boys
Trials and Tribulations of Slayers pt1
Trials and Tribulations of Slayers pt2
Trials and Tribulations of Slayers pt3

Why not check out my mate Xander's links page?! There's oodles to see and stuff that you may not know!
Well off you go then.... His Buffyverse is huge!!
If you've just come from there, why not have a look around the all new Buffy Directory with everything you'll ever need to know about BtVS

Now that you have done all that, why not go somewhere where the Buffyverse is still alive and well and thriving?

At BtVS Fans United
you will find all sorts of trivia, quizzes, challenges, fanfic and so much more. It's well worth the look!!

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