A Conversation for Tibet


Post 21


I'm (hopefully ) going to face a crisis of conscience, as I'm a Tibetan Buddhist and ( the hopefully) going to teach English in China.
The standard contract forbids me from promotimg the cause of Taiwan, ( no problems there) or Tibet(oops). I'm wondering if I can even expect to be allowed to practice my religion in Buddhist temples ( our form of obeisance to Buddha is a little distinctive), when I 'm hoping to find a post south of Shanghai.
And apparently you can't get the BBC website in China!


Post 22


Good luck Beanfoto

I would have a crisis of conscience about going to China as well. I'm training to be a Buddhist in the FWBO.

I am presently reading Tibetan Buddhism by Sagharakshita, he says there are 4 schools within Tibetan Buddhism: Nyingma, Kagyu, Sakya and the Gelug. Would you agree with this? If so which school are you in? Also, which country are you from/in (very nosy, please don't answer if you don't want to)

Shame you can't get to h2g2 whilst in China.


Post 23


Yes read, and was very confused , by him myself.
Me? I have enough difficulty sorting out if I'm a yellow hat, or a red hat sect.
The minutiae of Buddhism, considering it covers all areas from bald men with sticks wacking you awake at 4 in the morning to sects chanting for whatever they want in this world,( couldn't find chapter and verse for that one myself), seems less important than the 5 precepts and the 8 noble truths, ( and I have to take my socks off to count them)
I came across the Western Buddhist Order in Leeds. It struck me that they have some pretty embroidery on their robes.
Myself I try to follow as simple as possible Way, but one which has great expect for animism, ( am I more Bon than Buddhist?)and A fascination for the Tantra.
Just to stress the exotic nature of the Tibetan Buddhist diaspora, I'm from Leeds!


Post 24


A Tibetan Buddhist from Leeds - cool!

Westerners have a very strange view of the tantra, have you experienced that? All those books on tantric sex!! So much for the Diamond Way!

Do you want to reach enlightenment in one lifetime? I thought that was the main reason for choosing the Vajrana (is that spelled right?), or is there other reasons to choose it?


Post 25


If one aims for Enlightenment, one is halfway to ensuring you DON'T achieve it this time round. ( I'd like to remember a good few more lifetimes first.)
Don't think thats the way it's spelt, but mine is no better.
Tantric sex is a Western obsession but one where most fall at the first hurdle, I'm more interested in its Cosmic aspects, and how ( literally) it keeps the world turning.


Post 26

Researcher 188007

I seem to be able to see the Forbidden City from just outside my window. So I guess you can get h2g2 here.

I'm not going to push things though...


Post 27

Tonsil Revenge (PG)

I guess we're less threatening than Google...

smiley - sharksmiley - whistleDream Police!


Post 28


No' that's the porn. Have found a sex shop, and a massage parlour here in Nanning. Didn't go in either.
Title subject of this thread best avoided here....


Post 29

Tonsil Revenge (PG)

smiley - oksmiley - zen


Post 30


That's Chan(g?) here man.....


Post 31

Tonsil Revenge (PG)

Kong Fyu Shuz say: Close enough for jazz!
smiley - fullmoonsmiley - whistle


Post 32


Hey man I don't dig jazz y'know?


Post 33

Tonsil Revenge (PG)

You old L7, you!


Post 34


L7, L7? Dunno man.
Aging hippy, for sure!


Post 35

Tonsil Revenge (PG)

L7's old school for 'square'....
Aging hippy, huh?
I was in Austin and Santa Cruz.
Was you there, man?


Post 36


No man but saw the Stones in Hyde Park and just missed Hendrix at the Isle of Wight,( bummer).
I was also at the 2nd Grosvenor Square demo...
I saw the movie 15 times, ( more than Easy Rider).
Hip enough for you man?


Post 37

Tonsil Revenge (PG)

Stones...Hyde Park... not the Brian Jones memorial with the dying butterflys?


Post 38


Yep, only none of the butterflies I saw died on me...


Post 39

Tonsil Revenge (PG)

Holy swiss cheese, wasn't that the day Jagger wore a frock and King Crimson was messing around somewhere before the Stones show?


Post 40


Well, A white smockie thing, dunno about King Crimson, we followed the Beatles limo in.

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