A Conversation for Pennsylvania's Ghosts

A193132 - Pennsylvania's Ghosts

Post 1

Jimi X


Somehow among my random wanderings on-site, I never got around to submitting this one. I'm doing so now - two years after it was written for Halloween.

The title should be pretty self-explanatory really.

smiley - monster

- Jimi X

A193132 - Pennsylvania's Ghosts

Post 2

Two Bit Trigger Pumping Moron

I think the idea of ghosts is silly, but I've become quite fond of ghost staories of late.

Here's a couple of suggestions:

They were executed[,] and their spirits are still hanging around.

>A house near Willow Grove is haunted by Mrs. Elizabeth Ferguson, who sneaks out at night to cavort with her lover, Ben Franklin's son.

I'd suggest you put his name, and then a footnote to 'Ben Franklins's Son'.

Is this the right way to spell Douglassville?

A193132 - Pennsylvania's Ghosts

Post 3

Jimi X

I'll fix William Franklin.

And as for Douglassville, sadly that *is* the proper way to spell it. smiley - winkeye

There are lots more of these, these are ones I discovered when I did a feature story on ghost stories for a class in college (which is why there are so many from Indiana County). I found a few more just randomly, but the state has *loads* of supposedly haunted sites.

In fact, you could probably do a whole entry just on the Ghosts of Gettysburg. Hmmm...

Nah, maybe for next Halloween. smiley - winkeye

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Post 4

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Post 5


Congratulations smiley - bubbly 'twas me again smiley - tongueout

Thread Moved

Post 6

Jimi X

I just wish *somebody* would comment on these things before they're accepted.

(not that Two-Bit isn't somebody! smiley - winkeye)

Thanks! smiley - cheers

- X

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