A Conversation for Pennsylvania's Ghosts
Indiana County Ghosts
Researcher 187844 Started conversation Dec 3, 2001
Hey! I know this is a BBC website, but I live in USA, actually, Indiana County, USA! I have never heard of many of the tales you guys have posted but I have heard of a few others. If you know anymore Indiana County ghost stories, I would love to hear them. If you'd like to hear some of mine, ask! I live 3 minutes from Clymer and I've never seen this headless ghost and I've traveled between Clymer and Indiana very late at night millions of times!! e-mail me @ [email protected]!
Indiana County Ghosts
Jimi X Posted Dec 3, 2001
Hi Ashley!
I attended college at good old IUP for three and a half years majoring in journalism and the research that made up much of this entry was done as part of a feature story I wrote for one of my classes.
In redoing it for the Guide, I fixed most of my most horrible gaffs and added some more stuff about ghosts in other parts of Pennsylvania. (but I left out Gettysburg since that deserves its own entry I think).
Anyway, welcome to the Guide! I hope you liked the entry - there's loads more stuff on Pennsylvania here because I've always felt the Keystone State doesn't get its due as a travel destination (plus it's what I know best! )
If you would care to write a brief introduction on your personal space, I'm sure you'll discover there are lots of people just waiting to greet you and show you some of the fun spots in this online community.
Just remember to be careful driving home ...
Indiana County Ghosts
Researcher 187844 Posted Dec 3, 2001
I was surprised to get a response so quickly! I'm always a careful driver but sometimes I speed along, so maybe I drove past this 'ghost' so quickly he was nothing but a blur! So are you aware of any other ghost stories from this area? I live right near Clymer and I've only heard a few. I never heard of this headless one though. I was so surprised to see Clymer was on a BBC site! The only ones I know aren't very detailed. I could look into getting more information though. There is a house between Clymer and Indiana that used to be a chiropractor's office not long ago that's supposedly haunted. Not far from Clymer, closer to Purchase Line (dunno if you've heard of it), there was a car accident that took the life of a young man. If you drive past there in the dense fog (it's in a valley) you can see him. I was unsure of this myself untill my own friends had seen it. I've driven past there often and have never seen it. Maybe ghosts just don't like to show themselves to me! I will write in my directory when I get the time. Hope to hear from you soon.
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Indiana County Ghosts
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