A Conversation for The Rector of Stiffkey

rector of stiffkey book

Post 1


I found this discussion and thought I'd mention that in my final year at art school I produced a small limited edition book on the life of Harold Davidson, with pictures and everything. He really was a very interesting chap. I did sell quite a few at the degree show but seeing as I still have a small pile of them somewhere I thought if anyone was interested you would be welcome to a copy.
Reply to this or email [email protected]

rector of stiffkey book

Post 2

Researcher 160663

I'd love to have a copy of the book, pls tell me how to get hold of one , thanks. David Waller

rector of stiffkey book

Post 3


Hi David,
Speedy response. I'm new to this malarky and didn't really expect anyone to reply so quickly so well done!
I guess the best way to get you a copy would be for you to email me with your details and providing you aren't somewhere that it'll cost me an arm and a leg in postage I'll send you a copy. How does that sound?
[email protected]

rector of stiffkey book

Post 4

Researcher 180614

Wyatt, I realise that I may be too late, but I would very much like to obtain a copy of your book as my mother (Irene Somner) was the young lion tamer who pulled off "Freddy" the lion and dragged Harold Davidson out of the cage. I am currently trying to piece together details of that incident and feel your book may be useful both as information in its own right and in providing me with pointers to where I may obtain more.
Best Regards, TonyR2K

rector of stiffkey book

Post 5


I have also recently taken an interest in the story of the rector of stiffkey, as I found out that when my grandfather was a boy, his uncle brought the rector home to meet him after a performance in Burnley, Lancashire. This was a few weeks before the unfortunate mauling, and my grandfather allegedly had nightmares for years about it.
Though the story as I heard it was that the rector had actually murdered his wife, been tried and aquitted, and based his travelling show around telling the audience the method he used to kill her, as you cannot be tried for murdering a person twice.
Does anybody know if this is true? As I can't find a mention of this anywhere.
Are you writing a book about this man? I'd be interested to learn more! Thanks

rector of stiffkey book

Post 6

Researcher 186320

If you have a book left can I have one aswell.

The Rector was my great, great uncle by marriage his wife, Molly Saurin, being my blood relative. I do not know about whether he killed her or not as a lot of things were swept under the carpet. I have asked members of the family but most only found out over the past few years that she had a baby that wasn't his. What I can tell you is that he was born 1875 in Sholing.

If anyone has any information on either Harold Davidson or Molly please write back.

rector of stiffkey book

Post 7


I too would be interested in a copy of the book.
I have been researching the family of Harold DAVIDSON for about 9 months:
Harold F. Davidson, born 1876 in Hound, Hampshire, England. Died 28 July, 1938 in Skegness.
He was the son of Francis Davidson and Alice Selina Augusta Hodgskin.
He married Molly Saurin.

Harold's father:
Rev. Francis Davidson, born 1837 in Edgbaston, Warwick, England.
He was the son of Benjamin Davidson and Kate.
He married Alice Selina Augusta Hodgskin September 1874 in Southampton, Hampshire, England.

Harold's mother:
Alice Selina Augusta Hodgskin, born 22 June 1853 in Sheerness, Kent, England; died 15 February 1913.
She was the daughter of Lt. James Archibald Hodgskin and Louisa M.

Harold and siblings:
Children of Francis Davidson and Alice Hodgskin are:
Harold F. Davidson
Muriel Davidson, married Bertie Cox.

Harold's paternal grandparents:
Benjamin Davidson, born 1798 in Birmingham, Warwickshire, England. He married Kate, born 1793 in Birmingham, Warwickshire, England.

Harold's maternal grandparents:
Lt. James Archibald Hodgskin, born 1813 in Farnham, Surrey, England; died 09 April 1878.
He married Louisa M. Abt. 1850.
Louisa M., born 1827 in Birmingham, Warwick, England.

Harold's mother, aunties and uncle:
Children of James Hodgskin and Louisa M. are:
Mary Louise Hodgskin, born 24 April 1851 in Axmouth, Devon; died 10 April 1892.
Alice Selina Augusta Hodgskin, born 22 June 1853 in Sheerness, Kent, England; died 15 February 1913;
Gertrude Frances Hodgskin, born 21 November 1857 in Sheerness, Kent,.
Archibald James Hodgskin, born 12 January 1866 in Woolston, Hampshire, England; died 09 March 1869.

Interested in sharing information.
Contact my by e-mail at [email protected] or post message here.

rector of stiffkey book

Post 8


Hi, an old post, but I wonder if you would be willing to contact me? I'm a screenwriter interested in the story, and I'd love to hear about Irene? My email is [email protected]


rector of stiffkey book

Post 9


I'd love to hear more about this, if you would like to, please contact me at [email protected]. I'm a screenwriter researching this.


rector of stiffkey book

Post 10


I have info to swap! Please contact me on [email protected]


rector of stiffkey book

Post 11


Dear TonyR2K

How amazing to find you on this site. I Have been collating the
Rector of Stiffkey's life and the trial for a long time since I am related to him. Years ago I met a solicitor who, as boy lived in the flat underneath Captain and Mrs. Rye in Skegness and who knew their daughter who was still living in Skegness. I never thought I would ever find a relative of Irene Sumner's. I have just completed the manuscript for a true biography on the rector which is a factual account rather than the sensationalising normally written about him; people know nothing of his life and assume that the trial was a reflection of it which it wasn't at all! Its been over cooked by the press because the rector himself never gave interviews, and it seems a good way to knock the Church, rather than examine the truth of what it was really about. I would love to contact you somehow. How can this be arranged?.

rector of stiffkey book

Post 12


Dear 186320,

I know I am writing years later but if you still look on this site som etimes I would love to get in touch as I am a relative of the rector's and Molly's as well. We should be able to swap information. I have never met any of Molly's relatives from Ireland, though a cousin went to the village and found the old house she was born in a couple of years back. Do please get in touch if you can. Khaireddine

rector of stiffkey book

Post 13


Dear Nic, A bit late in the day perhaps, I have just found your piece on this site. No the rector did not kill his wife I can assure you. He was not on trial in a court of Law either. He was in a consistory court which is different and didn't have the perameters of due process which we are used to in courts of Law. The only similar kind of thing is a Court Martial in the services, but even then you are allowed to know what you are being accused of. The rector wasn't allowed to know until he reached court. Nor did he spend his time chasing women around London as has been alleged. he was simply a left wing priest, who came from a very radical background, and who had cared for the homeless and runaways all his life.Khaireddine

rector of stiffkey book

Post 14


Hello! Would it be possible to get hold of one of your books - sounds fascinating! thanks Daisy-bee

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