A Conversation for The Rector of Stiffkey

Rector of Stiffkey

Post 1

Researcher 113789

The Reverend Harold Davidson is my great grandfather. My father has recently spent a lot of time researching his grandfather. Last year a book The Great Unfrocked : Two Thousand Years of Church Scandal -- Matthew Parris, included the story of the rector.

Rector of Stiffkey

Post 2


My father was a child in Skegness at the time and recently asked me to research this event as he wanted to date something else by reference to the mauling of the unfortunate Rector. I was theref ore very pleased to find this entry.
Cousins of his apparently owned the lion concerned but he is not sure if he personally ever witnessed the Rector preaching in the lion's cage.

Rector of Stiffkey

Post 3

Researcher 160663

Hi, would love to hear more about your connection with the Rector of Stiffkey & yr father's researches. We may even be somehow related -- my father's cousin is Anne McConchie who is somehow descended from him, Do reply or send me an e-mail on [email protected]. Thanks, David Waller

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