Escape Pod Dreams - 45

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Salute to an unnamed hero: He does his best!

The New New blob

The trouble with 'most people' is...

that they don't understand what's best for them.

Somebody has to tell them what's best.

Somebody has to tell who the best person to tell them is.

Somebody has to make sure they get the message loud and clear.

Somebody has to punish those who think they are best suited to tell the people what's best and who's best, so the people don't get confused.

Somebody has to punish the people who don't want what's best and who's best for them so that they see the error of their ways.

Somebody has to pick and choose all these somebodies.

Poor fellow.

Hard task.

But he does his best.

More things that are really best for you,
if you only understood how hard somebody worked to provide them:

1. 8:57 AM
Another old joke: The end is nigh!


Tina Lite-as-a-fether, practicing savate with my kitten!

2. 9:57 AM
"Good enough for Jazz or government work."


Sir Inkstand Tripod: making the world safe for Chefs!

3. 10:57 AM
History, friends, enemies and your friend's and enemy's histories.


Howard the Duck: Oh, Lea, you left something in my feathers!

4. 11:57 AM
Beersot's Fables: A kingdom for the hoarse.

Your Other Right Foot (appearing nightly without warning)

The Escape Pod Dreams

(tonsil revenge)

30.10.03 Front Page

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