A Conversation for Earth


Post 21


Many people I know have just graduated with CS degrees. When one of them bought a PC and was lookin at software, they eventually got NT as it was so much more "robust" than '95 or '98. These people aren't quite in the "Macs are the only true platform" rabidly anti-IBM-compatible league that some people reach, but for people that constantly use Sun systems and text-based OSs they seemed quite tolerant to NT. What don't you like about it? It's on the university system at the moment and does seem better at not crashing than '95.


Post 22

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

So the ITC should really demand that they use the phrase "Now running Windows NT, which is better at not crashing than '95".


Post 23

The Dancing Tree

You don't get any money from it. However, if you have a particularly cool name and want to get into showbiz, then register it with the appropriate people to avoid having to change it to something like Bert Hipplefunk later on.


Post 24

The Dancing Tree

Yeah, NT does beat Win9x, but then so does Linux, MacOS, AcornOS, and quite possibly, the OS that came with with the Commodore 64 (or GEOS).


Post 25

Billy No Mates

OK, so quite a lot of Microsoft's products are flaky at best and downright bug-ridden at worst, but is'nt it time that we accepted the inevitable and threw away all other OS's etc and crowned Bill Gates as God of the Universe as he aspires to?

Not bad for a college drop-out eh?


Post 26

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

No, no, no, no, no! And again, in capital letters, NO! We must resist! The universe is in a big enough mess without making him God of it.


Post 27

Billy No Mates

It's pointless to resist, it's the culmination of his plans. I don't like it any more than you, but everyone one knows that America is the centre of the Universe, and everyone knows you can buy anything in America if you can afford it, and this bloke can afford Godship!


Post 28


Maybe Apple will make enough flogging their iMacâ„¢ to lower their prices. They're supposed to be faster; at this uni, the models available are always so old that the PCs next to them seem much better by comparison. The OS is also less intuitive than is a PC OS simply because it's much less familiar. I've played descent on a Mac and found it very inferior to the PC version. It's akin to seeing clips from US news programmes on british television - there's something weird about the graphics and the look that doesn't agree with me.
Mayeb someone somewhere's working on a brand new platform that will knock both the others out of the running. backwards compatibility is the key to not being iriitating and unnecessary.


Post 29

Grey Area



Post 30

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

"You have a choice - either worship me as God of the entire universe, OR........
....tell me how good you thought my book was."


Post 31


The book being the Manual for Win9x? I thought the plot was fractured and the illustrations repetitive.


Post 32

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

So, pretty much up to the standard of the software? smiley - smiley

Actually, I was thinking of his real book, "Business @ The Speed Of Thought" or whatever it's called. I haven't read it myself, you'll be surprised to learn...


Post 33


Is he giving it away free, as he could afford to?
Thought not. How long until he becomes a trillionnaire?
Does that mean twelve zeroes in the US? It should, of course, be eighteen. No-one could manage that. Especially not in £sterling.
Oh well.

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