A Conversation for British Burial Barrows: Introduction

Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A17974722 - The h2g2 University A basic description of types of burial mounds Neolithic To Viking Periods

Post 1


Entry: The h2g2 University A basic description of types of burial mounds Neolithic To Viking Periods - A17974722
Author: Bob Stafford (Keeper of The Treacle Shadow) - U3151547

This is intended for thr University
This is the first part "A basic description of types of burial mounds Neolithic To Viking Periods"
Comments very welcome

A17974722 - The h2g2 University A basic description of types of burial mounds Neolithic To Viking Periods

Post 2

Gnomon - time to move on

Firstly, Bob, the h2g2 University is for Projects, which are collections of related entries. Since this is just one entry, it wouldn't go into the University. It would go into Peer Review when it is ready.

Secondly, you say this is about tombs of the British Isles. I presume you mean Great Britain and Ireland (although Irish people do not use the term British Isles for these islands). In fact, the Irish tombs are considerably different from the ones you describe, so it is probably not useful to try and make your Entry cover Ireland. I've already done the four types of Neolithic tomb in Ireland (in the Entry "Irish Neolithic Tombs) but I haven't covered barrows, which in Ireland are Bronze Age tombs.

A17974722 - The h2g2 University A basic description of types of burial mounds Neolithic To Viking Periods

Post 3


Hi Gnomon
Yes thanks for that other entrier will be

Entry 1/Introduction and link page (the one published for you to pull apart so I do not waste anyones time) And this way if I make mistakes some one will tell me how to publish properly.

These go into detail
Entry 2/Cairns And Chambers
Entry 3/Bowl Barrows
Entry 4/Bell Barrows
Entry 5/Disc And Saucer Barrows
Entry 5/Viking Ship Burials
And you will no doubt advise me upon linking and polishing this up.

A17974722 - The h2g2 University A basic description of types of burial mounds Neolithic To Viking Periods

Post 4


Also I could not find any entries on this subject and this will provoke a response if duplicated in any way.

And no I will not be doing Ireland as I did see your entries some time ago...

A17974722 - The h2g2 University A basic description of types of burial mounds Neolithic To Viking Periods

Post 5

Gnomon - time to move on

Well, there's enough in that to make a Project! The way it's normally done is that you write the entries, including the Intro and Links page, then make a "Project Page" which basically is just the links and a brief description of the project.

Here's an example of a project page (this one is for my Byzantium project):


Once you've written all the Entries, you submit the project (I don't know how you go about doing this, as I haven't done it yet for my project) and a sub-editor is assigned. I think in the normal course of events, the sub-editor adds in all the links at the top of the entries, but I decided to do it myself.

One point that is worth noting. In normal entries that go through Peer Review, the one you are working on is not the one that becomes the Edited Entry - a copy is made along the way. Projects are different. The working files that you edit eventually become the Edited Entries themselves. So if you attach conversations which point out all sorts of problems to the entries you are editing, those conversations will eventually be attached to the final Edited Entries. It's a good idea therefore to encourage conversations to take place only on the Project pPage itself.

smiley - smiley

A17974722 - The h2g2 University A basic description of types of burial mounds Neolithic To Viking Periods

Post 6


so how where do I submit the page I do not find the instructions that clear or am i being dim

A17974722 - The h2g2 University A basic description of types of burial mounds Neolithic To Viking Periods

Post 7

Gnomon - time to move on

The University is described at A339059. You'll be submitting this to the "Faculty of History, Philosophy and Spirituality" which is at A724493. You can submit your proposal by creating the Project Page with all the necessary information, and setting a timescale for writing the entries. But this puts you under pressure to get them done within the set time.

WHat I'm doing is writing the entries first, getting all my friends to read them to check that they're OK, then submitting them all en bloc to the University.

A17974722 - The h2g2 University A basic description of types of burial mounds Neolithic To Viking Periods

Post 8


So bad idea then to put them in review. or is there any other way

A17974722 - The h2g2 University A basic description of types of burial mounds Neolithic To Viking Periods

Post 9

Gnomon - time to move on

This is the right place for getting help on writing the entries. This is the Edited Guide Workshop - it's for any Entry intended for the Edited Guide into shape.

I think it is best to write the individual entries first and the overview which is a summary later on. That's what I'm doing, and it is what Skankyrich did when he was writing his British Mammals project - that one is essentially finished and is just completing its final polishing in Peer Review (one of the final stages of a University Project). A14530312

A17974722 - The h2g2 University A basic description of types of burial mounds Neolithic To Viking Periods

Post 10


Ok if the basics are sound and not duplicating other entries (unless you know better) I cant find any.
Then if you are suggesting it I take this entry off review and submit the others one by one for reviewing. In the workshop then do I offer them up to the Uni for final polish.
I put the introduction out first to let everyone know about the project in detail prior to writing in order to avoid overlap (your input re Ireland was very helpful), also it will give people the opportunity to pull the project apart and see if it stands up examination and is viable.
Your help is valuable in this and your comments very useful I hope this explanes why I put the entry back to front as it were.
Please advise...



A17974722 - The h2g2 University A basic description of types of burial mounds Neolithic To Viking Periods

Post 11

Gnomon - time to move on

Leave this entry where it is. If you want to submit each of the entries to the Writing Workshop for assistance you can, or you can just write them yourself without assistance.

I'm not an expert on projects - I'm writing one, but like yourself, I don't know how the process works. You might like to talk to someone who has actually completed a project, such as the author of the Graeco-Persian Wars project.

A17974722 - The h2g2 University A basic description of types of burial mounds Neolithic To Viking Periods

Post 12

Demon Drawer

Yikes. I'm an expert on project. I have a A/O Level in archaeology. And I know the differences between British and Irish mounds guess I'll be smiley - book this thread then.

A17974722 - The h2g2 University A basic description of types of burial mounds Neolithic To Viking Periods

Post 13


Hi Demon Drawer
Ok the basic introduction page is finished your comments will be interesting and I look forward to getting them

A17974722 - The h2g2 University A basic description of types of burial mounds Neolithic To Viking Periods

Post 14

Gnomon - time to move on

A quick look through your entry shows that it is going to require a lot of work to make it readable. It's very badly organised at the moment. You need to decide what way you are going to break things up - by Age, or by construction type, or some other way, and stick to it.

You're also going to have to do a lot of rewriting of sentences to make them into proper English. You have loads of sentence fragments which don't make any sense as they stand. Try reading each "sentence" on its own without reference to the other sentences around it. Does it make sense?

For example, your second sentence is:

"Construction methods and who built them and when, their location and distribution. "

That isn't a sentence. Nothing happens in it, and it doesn't tell us anything. It's just a list of things. There's no explanation of why you have put this list here.

I'm not going to read through the whole thing and point out all the errors of this sort, because almost the whole thing is like this. Fix them, then shout and I'll have a look at it.
smiley - smiley G

A17974722 - The h2g2 University A basic description of types of burial mounds Neolithic To Viking Periods

Post 15

Demon Drawer

No need to stand on ceremony Bob everybody here knows me as DD far easier and quicker to type.

While Gnomon says he desn't know much about something he's does his darnest to find out what need doing. I see you are in very capable hands. I'll come back and take a look at content once you shorted out the sentance structure etc.

A17974722 - The h2g2 University A basic description of types of burial mounds Neolithic To Viking Periods

Post 16


Thanks DD smiley - smiley

A17974722 - The h2g2 University A basic description of types of burial mounds Neolithic To Viking Periods

Post 17


Hi Gnomon and DD

You said shout so I am head down waiting for the flack.....

Please let me know if alterations are required.


A17974722 - The h2g2 University A basic description of types of burial mounds Neolithic To Viking Periods

Post 18


Hi Bobsmiley - smiley

Your sentences do read a bit better now, but I think alterations could still be made. The best idea is probably to read your writing aloud, and see if it sounds the way someone might when speaking. If you find (as was the impression I got from your entry) that the sentences are more choppy than the way someone might speak them, perhaps change the punctuation.

You might want to have a look at other h2g2 University projects. Not to toot my own horn, but A5836502 is not a bad example.smiley - winkeye

A17974722 - The h2g2 University A basic description of types of burial mounds Neolithic To Viking Periods

Post 19


Ok thanks for that I have had a go as suggested, please advise if any better...smiley - smiley

A17974722 - The h2g2 University A basic description of types of burial mounds Neolithic To Viking Periods

Post 20


Had a good go over these entries please comment

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