A Conversation for Swimming the English Channel
swim the english channel
fraser Started conversation Aug 28, 2010
hello am very intrested in swimming the english channel. I am very fit i do loads off swimming and cross country all the time. I was wondering to do i speek to about swimming the english channel?
swim the english channel
Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor Posted Aug 30, 2010
Hello fraser, thanks for reading my article
You're a brave soul
I wouldn't want to swim through raw sewage or jellyfish
never mind dodge all those boats' propellors!
I reckon your first job would be to find a trustworthy soul happy to tag along with you in a boat to keep an eye on you, pass you drinking water & energy food, etc. Coastguard would be happy to have a call from you too. They would certainly need to know about your attempt. Other than that I don't have any advice, as I am just a Researcher who wrote up about the fascinating subject for the reading delight of my fellow hootooers & general surfing public, I've never done it myself nor know anyone who has.
Do let me know how you get on
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