A Conversation for Lucid Dreaming

Implements of Destruction

Post 41

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

I like mighty hugs.....


But I love YOU MOSTEST!!!


Implements of Destruction

Post 42



Implements of Destruction

Post 43

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

Will this be something I might enjoy!???

Implements of Destruction

Post 44

Susan, goddess of shovels and other implements of destruction

Only if Greg performs it, Babe.

Implements of Destruction

Post 45

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

::sighs:: Susan, goddess of not only implements of destruction but also limited knowledge(I declare it limited because _I_ LOVE YOU MOSTEST!!!!), you speak the truth...

::misses her Greg and hopes her treasured computer will not be taken away as she awaits her coming oboe student and pouts in despair over being so far from her beloved obsession::

Hmmm... if you think about it, Forks are quite closely related to Shovels... I think there might be something going on betwixt Susan and Greg.... nothing sexual, I hope...

::thinks even harder:: HMMMMMM.... Susan, Shovels, Greg's last name beginning with an F, and Forks.... Maybe I too shall adopt an implement of destruction!!! Being TOBY, I shall declare...

I ... shall.... declare.... Tinfoil!??....


Hmmm... this is hard....

Any suggestions!???

(pre-emptive HUSH to Greg)

Implements of Destruction

Post 46

Susan, goddess of shovels and other implements of destruction

I've always been partial to the spork myself. (and no, _I_ LOVE YOU MOSTEST)

Implements of Destruction

Post 47

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

yes, but Spork does not begin with a T!!! T for TOBY!!! ::sigh::

..... hmmmm....

What about a trowel!???... what is a trowel, anyway!?? And... is that spelled correctly!???

Implements of Destruction

Post 48

Susan, goddess of shovels and other implements of destruction

a trowel? it's a sort of shovel ...

Implements of Destruction

Post 49

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

PERFECT!!! smiley - smiley

Implements of Destruction

Post 50


A trowel is accually something you use to apply stucco or other such substances. It is used along with a platform called a hawk that you put the substance on and then take from there with the trowel and apply.

Implements of Destruction

Post 51

Susan, goddess of shovels and other implements of destruction

::nods:: as I said ... a type of shovel!

Implements of Destruction

Post 52


Shovels are used to dig holes; not spread stuff. Shovels are curved -- trowels are flat. If you are goddess of trowels then it must go under the implements of destruction and not the shovels section.

Implements of Destruction

Post 53

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

hmmm.... I do not like to destroy!!!

Thank you for this enlightenment....

I will instead be the goddess of music!!!

...It works out better....

Is a fork an implement of destruction!??

Implements of Destruction

Post 54

Susan, goddess of shovels and other implements of destruction

everything is an implement of destruction ... imagine a pile of mashed potatoes ... Now imagine someone taking a fork to that pile ... the origional shape of the potatoes is destroyed, and a new one has emerged to take it's place.

Implements of Destruction

Post 55

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde


You put an apostrophe on ITS in regard to PLACE!!!! AHHHHH!!!!

How could you!???

You know better....

Its place. smiley - smiley


I guess criticism is a great implement of destruction as well....

Toby.... goddess of destructive criticism!??? smiley - smiley

Hmmm... and does it annoy anyone that I often end my postings with a question!???

Implements of Destruction

Post 56

Researcher 93445

Doesn't annoy me a bit. Most anything is better than porcupoking.

Implements of Destruction

Post 57


wouldn't that make the fork the implement of destruction (and a fork is something we have already established is an implement of destruction and therefore does not work in this example of anything being an implement of destruction. To prove your point you would need to prove that something normally harmless that looks completely harmless would be able to do great destruction)

Implements of Destruction

Post 58

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

::laughs:: have you ever TRIED porcupoking!??

Implements of Destruction

Post 59

Susan, goddess of shovels and other implements of destruction

Name something, and I'll tell ya how it can be destructive!

Implements of Destruction

Post 60

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

A pair of GLASSES!!!

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