A Conversation for Cleaning Your Room
Tidy revision
Dolt Started conversation Jun 9, 2002
Tidying rooms is a well known phenomenon observed among students during exam periods . Even the most enduringly squalid student digs will be transformed to sparkling examples of domestic perfection approximately one week before the first exam, though a more natural state of entropy is resumed only hours after the last
The method of student room tidying differs slightly from that described in the main article. First, the mess is carefully separated into two categories: potentially useful (e.g. spare change, pens, month-old underwear) and probably useless (e.g. empty beer cans, coffee mugs with mould growing in them, lecture notes ). Potentially useful items are filed in black bin bags which are then shoved under the bed or on top of the wardrobe; probably useless items are filed in black bin bags and shoved into the back yard to biodegrade or until the local fox population eats it. These actions are performed as thoroughly and zealously as possible, to minimise time wasted actually studying.
This post will probably confirm everyone's worst prejudices about student life. Oops!
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Tidy revision
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