A Conversation for Dallas, Texas, USA


Post 1

Researcher 176243

Dallas is a great city. It has an incredible music scene. University of North Texas is a top ranked jazz school and the home of the grammy award winning 1 o'clock lab band. Rev. Horton Heat, Tripping Daisy, Brave Combo, the Toadies and other great bands hail from Dallas. I know that there are people from Europe and people from the rest of the USA that think Dallas is the city of cheeze whiz eating rednecks and cowboys who killed Kennedy, but it really is more than that. Dallas has incredible restaurants, you just have to know where to go. Its not all tex mex, mix mex, mex mex, or some type of burnt meat on a stick. We have very wide variety of ethnic food. We also have great Mexican Food. It is very inexpensive to live here compared to other metropolitan areas of compareable size. Dallas has no state income tax, relatively low sales tax, A good employment market. There are a great number of top companies headquartered here. We get things done. We will show you a good time. There is no reason to be afraid... Unless you don't know how to work or drive.

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