A Conversation for Rice

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Post 1

From Distant Shores

One very common way of serving rice in China and South-East Asia is rice porridge. It is usually eaten for breakfast served with granishes such as chopped spring onoins, fried onions, black beans and salted fish. The most common variety is made with chicken.

In Kelantan in Northern Malaysia and parts of Southern Thailand, a type of rice is grown that when polished is dark marroon and white in colour. It tends to lighten a little when cooked. The rice is used exclusively in a dish called Nasi Dagang. This is prepared by steaming the rice and then working in cocunut milk. This is repeated two or three times until the rice is cooked. A little fenugreek is used in it's preparation. When cooked the grains should be separate and not stick together. (The direct translation of Nasi Dagang means separate rice).

Nasi Dagang is traditionally eaten for breakfast, served with Fish Curry (a type of tuma) and lightly pickled vegetables.


From Distant Shores

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