A Conversation for The Uffington White Horse, Oxfordshire, UK

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Post 1


I live further from Uffington than I used to, and I miss the chain of Iron-age hill-forts, of which Uffington is one of the best preserved and most accessible.

I loved the views to the North, across the Thames valley. Particularly spectacular to watch thunder-storms chasing Eastwards along the valley in the prevailing wind. To the East, a stunning view of Didcot power-station - how could you not mention it!

Only one thing about the article. If you are going to suggest that people see the place from the air, could you ask them to turn their engines off, as it ruins the peaceful atmosphere being buzzed every minute of a sunny Saturday by a continuous stack of Cessnas and Pipers - don't get me started on the lawn-mower brigade.

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Post 2


I agree, watching the clouds form across the valley is something special. Not mention the power station? Well, I didn't want people thinking there was something so much better to see than the horse and vales...smiley - tongueincheek

I'll see what I can do about suggesting silent fly-bys smiley - smiley

Thanks for reading smiley - smiley


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Post 3


A little footnote added s-b-l, thanks for that!


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Post 4


I'm eager to view the Uffington horse from an aerial perspective - but I don't want to add to the cacophony of buzzing aeroplanes either!
Does anyone know if there's a hot-air balloon place nearby? A casual, drifting fly-over would be just the thing!

"cracking good idea, Gromit!"


The views

Post 5


There's a gliding school near Shrivenham, they would get you there in favourable conditions.

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