A Conversation for Picking People up using Trees
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the other omylouse "multiply (1*6) by (6*1+0+3)!" Posted Aug 4, 2001
its me an' him. jus nod & smile & ignore us (most people seem 2!)
anyhow, hows ur summer been so far? (wher r u by-the-way?!)
from me
Dr.Weasel - Grand Duchess of Getting Drunk&Falling Over While Wearing Stupidly High Heels&Singing "Show Me the Way To Go Home" Posted Aug 4, 2001
I seem to find myself talking to walls a fair bit, so will that work as a pick-up aid?
the other omylouse "multiply (1*6) by (6*1+0+3)!" Posted Aug 5, 2001
hmm....that probly depends on the wall in question. (has it started talking back yet?)
u will have to keep us informed of ur progress i think!
Walls - further research.
Dr.Weasel - Grand Duchess of Getting Drunk&Falling Over While Wearing Stupidly High Heels&Singing "Show Me the Way To Go Home" Posted Aug 6, 2001
Unfortunately, as of yet I have received no coherant replies from the walls with which I have been conversing. Further research into this area has proved, however, that the chances of making a pick-up are dramatically improved if the wall in question is a solid brick construction. For some as yet unclear reason, plasterboard walls and those of a more flimsy make-up serve more as a repellant than a pick-up aid. Is there some form of wall snobbery at work here? Does the age of the wall come into play? Are wallpapered or painted walls better for this purpose?
I have come to the conclusion that there is a lot more going on here than we first realised, and propose more research into this fascinating subject posthaste.
Incidentally, does the same form of snobbery exist in the tree-talking world? Are oaks or pines more effective in picking up people?
Walls - further research.
the other omylouse "multiply (1*6) by (6*1+0+3)!" Posted Aug 6, 2001
dunno. i got picked up in a field sumwher last yr, i seem 2 rememba some different types of trees round the edge, but not my toaster talkin 2 em... (im dating a toaster u c
what about graffittid walls? would that depend on the type of graffitti? i s'pose it all boils down to the tupe of person ur tryin 2 pick up. mayb certain trees/walls attract different perople 2 pick up?
Walls - further research.
Dr.Weasel - Grand Duchess of Getting Drunk&Falling Over While Wearing Stupidly High Heels&Singing "Show Me the Way To Go Home" Posted Aug 9, 2001
good solid walls of the type found in pubs are a sure-fire winner. I tested this theory last night, and not only did someone start talking to me, but I got a pint out of it as well! Bonus!
Walls - further research.
T.B. Falsename ACE: [stercus venio] I have learned from my mistakes, and feel I could repeat them exactly. Posted Aug 13, 2001
i did not pick her up in a field, as i wasn't allowed to due 2 her being 16 & me being 19 & a child protection policy being in place, i had a 'discussion' with darren (she knows who he is) about this last week
Walls - further research.
Dr.Weasel - Grand Duchess of Getting Drunk&Falling Over While Wearing Stupidly High Heels&Singing "Show Me the Way To Go Home" Posted Aug 13, 2001
Um, who? Why? and where? I thought we were discussing the various merits of leering drunkenly at a wall thinking it's an attractive member of the opposite sex?!
Maybe that's just me
Walls - further research.
T.B. Falsename ACE: [stercus venio] I have learned from my mistakes, and feel I could repeat them exactly. Posted Aug 14, 2001
she sed i picked her up up in a field, i dint, i picked her up while shouting at my comp (mebe i should av added that bit in order 4 it 2 make sense)
Walls - further research.
T.B. Falsename ACE: [stercus venio] I have learned from my mistakes, and feel I could repeat them exactly. Posted Aug 14, 2001
ooh & dont drink 2 much, i had a m8 who thought he was chattin up a male wall & was halfway home wen he sobered up enough 2 realise that infact the wall was female
Walls - further research.
Dr.Weasel - Grand Duchess of Getting Drunk&Falling Over While Wearing Stupidly High Heels&Singing "Show Me the Way To Go Home" Posted Aug 16, 2001
mistaking the sex of a wall can be dangerous. they get offended easily and can really hurt if they fall on ya
Walls - further research.
the other omylouse "multiply (1*6) by (6*1+0+3)!" Posted Aug 28, 2001
wall dating sounds dangerous, i think i'll give it a miss 4 the time being!
oh, & y a 'discussion' not jus a discussion?!
Walls - further research.
Researcher 181664 Posted Aug 29, 2001
I prefer those walls with a hole at waist height! Just hope theres no one on the other side of the wall...and that I'm at the front of the wall...But call me old fashioned but I'd have to meet the parent wall first!
Walls - further research.
Dr.Weasel - Grand Duchess of Getting Drunk&Falling Over While Wearing Stupidly High Heels&Singing "Show Me the Way To Go Home" Posted Sep 3, 2001
FlareStorm StarFire Posted Oct 31, 2001
silly goldfish...
DIE GOLDFISH!!!! *kills goldfish*
*goldfish die*
oh well.
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- 21: FlareStorm StarFire (Aug 4, 2001)
- 22: the other omylouse "multiply (1*6) by (6*1+0+3)!" (Aug 4, 2001)
- 23: Dr.Weasel - Grand Duchess of Getting Drunk&Falling Over While Wearing Stupidly High Heels&Singing "Show Me the Way To Go Home" (Aug 4, 2001)
- 24: the other omylouse "multiply (1*6) by (6*1+0+3)!" (Aug 5, 2001)
- 25: Dr.Weasel - Grand Duchess of Getting Drunk&Falling Over While Wearing Stupidly High Heels&Singing "Show Me the Way To Go Home" (Aug 6, 2001)
- 26: the other omylouse "multiply (1*6) by (6*1+0+3)!" (Aug 6, 2001)
- 27: Dr.Weasel - Grand Duchess of Getting Drunk&Falling Over While Wearing Stupidly High Heels&Singing "Show Me the Way To Go Home" (Aug 9, 2001)
- 28: the other omylouse "multiply (1*6) by (6*1+0+3)!" (Aug 9, 2001)
- 29: T.B. Falsename ACE: [stercus venio] I have learned from my mistakes, and feel I could repeat them exactly. (Aug 13, 2001)
- 30: Dr.Weasel - Grand Duchess of Getting Drunk&Falling Over While Wearing Stupidly High Heels&Singing "Show Me the Way To Go Home" (Aug 13, 2001)
- 31: T.B. Falsename ACE: [stercus venio] I have learned from my mistakes, and feel I could repeat them exactly. (Aug 14, 2001)
- 32: T.B. Falsename ACE: [stercus venio] I have learned from my mistakes, and feel I could repeat them exactly. (Aug 14, 2001)
- 33: Dr.Weasel - Grand Duchess of Getting Drunk&Falling Over While Wearing Stupidly High Heels&Singing "Show Me the Way To Go Home" (Aug 16, 2001)
- 34: the other omylouse "multiply (1*6) by (6*1+0+3)!" (Aug 28, 2001)
- 35: Researcher 181664 (Aug 29, 2001)
- 36: Dr.Weasel - Grand Duchess of Getting Drunk&Falling Over While Wearing Stupidly High Heels&Singing "Show Me the Way To Go Home" (Sep 3, 2001)
- 37: FlareStorm StarFire (Oct 31, 2001)
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