A Conversation for Towels

more uses?

Post 1


My towel carrying friends have told me of other uses:
As a booster seat when the table is too high for the chair, an umberrella, to prop up table legs when your desk is wobbly, a draught excluder, a parrying weapon for when your play fighting with nother weapon (eg. a stick).


Post 2

Someone You Know(GrandHighMaster Of All Things Unsanitary And In Need Of A Good Clean Before The Neighbours Come Round)

Tut! Vicky!

Towel flicking

Post 3

Jon Quixote: steaming little purple buns for tea.

There is a time honoured tradition of towel flicking, resulting in which a specific method of making a good flicking towel has been devised. It's called a rat's tail. Fold the 'damp' towel in a rough half diagonally, then roll it up keeping one edge straight and level. One end should be a point and the other a thick roll. Grasp both ends and pull to tighten, it should be tight anyway. Hold thick end and flick with the point.

Towel flicking

Post 4

Jon Quixote: steaming little purple buns for tea.

Oh also a wet towel can be used as a club.

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