Albatross Education Resources - John Ridgway Save the Albatross Voyage
Created | Updated Jun 27, 2005
Calling All Children, Classes and Schools to Post a Message to John Ridgway and His Crew!
Right now John Ridgway and his crew are sailing around the world to let everyone know that the albatross is in danger and that YOU can do something to help!
To enable you to do just that Carol Knutson, who will be joining John Ridgway on the crossing from Melbourne, Australia to Wellington, New Zealand - as a BirdLife Volunteer, has put up some education pages made especially to help children, classes and schools participate in the John Ridgway Save the Albatross Voyage.
Because John Ridgway is at sea on his yacht - where it's not as easy to work on websites - these pages are being hosted by Carol on the Kiwi Conservation Club website, in New Zealand.
Leave A Message!
You can e-post messages to the albatross voyage crew and tell them what you are doing to help save the albatross and ask questions about the voyage.
It's easy to do, and the crew would LOVE to hear from you!
Just go to the bottom of the page and click the 'Start a new conversation' button.
Important instruction...
Please make sure you put your school and country in your e-post message title so the crew can easily identify your message from the others.
For example:
Albatross mural at school, Hilltop Primary, Auckland, NZ or
Letters to the President, Franklin High School, Miami, Florida, USA
This will also mean that you will be able to find your message too!
Helpful info about posting a message to the albatross voyage crew...
1. The BBC 'h2g2' website (where you are now) is a bit different to regular websites, so take a moment to have a look around. You will see that on the bottom of each page people can contribute to conversations about the page.
2. You can contribute to any conversation on any page, but to make it easy for the voyage crew to find your message - and so other schools can see what you have been doing - we ask that you use this page to e-post the crew.
3. Anyone can read the messages posted on this site. But to add a new message or contribute to a conversation you will need to be an 'h2g2 researcher'. To become an 'h2g2 researcher' click on 'Register' to create a logon name and password - it's easy, just follow the instructions.
4. When you have successfully become an 'h2g2 researcher' you will be able to logon and post a message on the site.
We can't wait to get your message!
Visit the Albatross Pages at the Kiwi Conservation Club!
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