A Conversation for Albatross Education Resources - John Ridgway Save the Albatross Voyage
John, Marie Christine & Crew
websailor Started conversation Oct 31, 2003
John and Marie Christine,
I just wanted to wish you a very kind Southern Ocean trip! I followed the last BT Global Challenge Round the World Yacht Race on the Internet a couple of years ago, and theoretically, I know what you could be in for, but I am sure it will behave itself for such a worthwhile cause!
Many years ago I read your book about your rowing trip with Chay Blyth and have been fascinated ever since. Stop knocking your age. I am not far behind you and I believe we have more get up and go than some of the young "uns, though I think mine has got up and gone, hence the "armchair travelling".
I have sent the Petition links and website address to all my friends, some of them in Australia, and I have also written to about three Melbourne newspapers, giving them the links and asking them to look out for you!
Bye for now, will be with you in spirit. Good luck with your efforts, I have such admiration for all of you. Thanks also for the words of the Ancient Mariner. I have been meaning to look for those for years!!
John, Marie Christine & Crew
Sam Posted Nov 25, 2003
This is brilliant stuff! Much appreciated. I'll pass on your msg to the crew! Many thanks indeed for your interest.
John, Marie Christine & Crew
Websailor Posted Nov 28, 2003
Thank you for replying to my post to John, Marie Christine and the crew. I do hope they get the message. It is frustrating not to be able to email direct.
He sounds so down sometimes. It is odd for such an adventurer to have such a pessimistic streak! I think he is facing one of his toughest challenges in some ways. Raising awareness of the plight of an endangered species is very hard. I know, it is what I do all the time, albeit from my computer and working with a wildlife charity.
Please give them my best wishes. I will be in touch with my contacts in Melbourne nearer the time of their arrival, to see if I can get them some more support. I do hope they get a good reception after all they have gone through.
Bye for now
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John, Marie Christine & Crew
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