A Conversation for Albatross Education Resources - John Ridgway Save the Albatross Voyage
Cape Horn/Falklands
Websailor Started conversation Jan 25, 2004
Hi, John & Marie Christine,
John, hope the rib is healing well, and that the new crew members will recover quickly from their sea sickness. Glad you had a good send off from Wellington. Let's hope they all keep their promises!
I have put messages up on the BBC Nature "Birdtalk" and "Environmental Concerns' message boards about the Petition, asking people to sign, and also telling them about the albatrosses, and the long-line fishing.
Good luck with this Leg. Your 40th Wedding Anniversary is on Mother's Day, so I wish you both a good day, and many more adventurous years together.
No more adventures after this one, did you say? Well try living together 24/7 without all the other things to keep you occupied. That is an adventure in itself!
Websailor (Thelma)
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Cape Horn/Falklands
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