A Conversation for Mate
Mate! Dude! Mate! Dude!
Trebor Started conversation May 15, 2001
America has a very similar term: "dude" (pronounced dood). It is analogous to the Australian "mate". Dude has become quite popular in American culture and there are many examples of its use in everyday conversation. However by far the best demonstration can be seen in the 1998 movie "Baseketball", in which two characters carry on a entire argument using nothing more than the inflections of their voice, and the word "dude".
Mate! Dude! Mate! Dude!
Researcher 201476 Posted Aug 26, 2002
try using them both in the same sentence!!
Mate! Dude! Mate! Dude!
manda1111 Posted Aug 26, 2002
Sorry to butt in on your conversation, but if
Researcher "201476"
would go back to there own page and then click on the "EDIT PAGE" button and then write a little something about your self, as this will activate your page and then a ACE can come and welcome you there properly
Sorry for interrupting your conversation
Mate! Dude! Mate! Dude!
stace8383 Posted Dec 28, 2003
Mate and Dude are actually slightly different in useage and meaning. They could only be called "the same" when considered in conjuction with differences in culture between Australia and America. For instance, most girls' fathers will be quite happy for her new boyfriend to call him "mate". "Dude" on the other hand shows a father the degenerate character of the boyfriend in question and raises doubts as to his suitability for his daughter.
If I bump into a stranger in the street I would perhaps say "Sorry mate", but never "Sorry dude" - to me, "dude" presumes some familiarity and a common ground which may not actually exist.
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Mate! Dude! Mate! Dude!
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