A Conversation for Mate
Confusing Manifestation Started conversation Apr 4, 2001
Then, of course, there is the most important intonation, which cannot be adequately described using this crude lettering system, but goes something like this:
The meaning here is usually a greeting or expression of gratitude after the person being addressed has done some amazing good deed for the speaker. For example, bringing a beer, or bailing them out of jail.
Researcher 201476 Posted Aug 26, 2002
How to order a taxi in an australian pub:
1) find the public phone
2) the taxi company number will be on there somewhere
3) dial it (good luck)
4) yell "Maaaaaaaaaaaaate" down the phone
5) go outside (again, good luck) and wait
the taxi will be there in five minutes.
this works in towns with six pubs or less.
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