A Conversation for Those Low Down Country Blues: The Mississippi Blues

Wrong place for last query-this is the spot

Post 1

Yes,I am the Lady Lowena!Get with the programme...

there were some excellent recordings made at Parchman farm of the old blues it wasn't Lomax tho' that did them.Whoever it was certainly harassed a good deal by the authorities. Mose Elison of course recorded Parchman Farm the song but when one listens to it carefully its difficult to guage wether he was being ironic.'Im gonna be here for the rest of my life an' all I did was shoot my wife'(!!) it does however mention the harshness of life there'putting that cotton in a never full sack with a twelve guage shotgun at my back'...I'll find out who made the recordings insidr the prison and get back to you on that if you like.smiley - laugh i hope you don't mind me butting in on your splendid guide entry.

Wrong place for last query-this is the spot

Post 2

Blues Shark - For people who like this sort of thing, then this is just the sort of thing they'll like

Feel absolutely free. I love the song Parchman Farm, that lovely final line;

'I never did no man no harm.'smiley - laugh

I wonder, actually if it wasn't an ironic comment on the fate that might await a white man for shooting a black in the South in those days.

smiley - shark

Wrong place for last query-this is the spot

Post 3

Yes,I am the Lady Lowena!Get with the programme...

the version that clapton seems to have heard at least to according a website I visited recently only has three verse. The coda is amazing.Just now I'm listening to Rambling Jack Elliot-grand Coulee Dam.Next willl be 'Born under a bad sign'-William Bell.

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