What Happens After My Entry has Been Mined? (UG)
Created | Updated Apr 10, 2007

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If you want to know what happens to your Entry to be picked and appear on the Front Page, here is a simple guide.
After your Entry has been in the AWW Review Forum for one week, a Miner can dig it out for possible polishing. The Miner will then send it via the speedy Pit Pony delivery system to the UnderGuide Editors, to check that it meets the rigourous2quality standards and the UnderGuidelines.
The UG Editors will then pass it on to the h2g2 Inhouse Editorial team, who will review and check the Entry for profanity and general problems. They will then tell the UG Editors if it's okay to polish.
Then you will be notified that your Entry has been picked. The UG Editors will pick a Gem Polisher to work with the Entry3.
The Gem Polisher will collaborate with you on formatting, grammar and spelling issues. When you're both satisfied, the Entry will be checked again by the UG Editors and placed in line to appear on the Front Page.
You can keep track of where your Mined Entry is in the UnderGuide Processes by looking in on the What's Coming Up Page.
The Entry will then appear on the Front Page and be added to the UnderGuide Archives.