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Welcome to the home page of the Pop Pickers Puzzler

From here you will be able to access the puzzles from previous weeks and have a try at them see how you would have done with them then check your answers on the answers page before having a try at this weeks Puzzler

Each week the Puzzler questions will be composed by the winner of the previous weeks quiz, who will
also recieve free drinks and snacks in `ye oLDe tea shoppe` for 24 hours (second place 12 hours)

So what are you waiting for get clicking the links Click here to go back to G Cleff Cafe PREVIOUS WEEKS ANSWERS ( WEEK 12(A)- ? ) PREVIOUS WEEKS ANSWERS ( WEEK 10(A)-11(B) ) WEEK FIVE WEEK SIX WEEK SEVEN WEEK EIGHT
WEEK NINE WEEK TEN(A) 1970s WEEK TEN (B) 80s to Present WEEK ELEVEN (A) 1960s TO 70s WEEK ELEVEN (B) 1980s To Present WEEK TWELVE (A) 1960-70s WEEK 12(B) Who Am I? WEEK 14 (HANGAGRAMS) WEEK 15 (FIND THE LINK)

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