Pop Pickers Puzzler (week 6)

3 Conversations

How well did you do last week?

This week i am taking a bit of a break so the questions have been compiled by Tiffany Blue. So have a try at these 24 questions, you can send your answers to

[email protected]

Please make sure that all your answers are sent in for MIDNIGHT FRIDAY. Then i will get the answers off Tiffany Blue and find out how well we did with them.

The person who achieves the highest score will be given the chance to compile the questions for next week and will recieve a meal for one with drinks at `ye oLDe tea shoppe`. So here are the questions..
1/ SONG =

I`m like a blind man lost his way i can`t see nothing see the trouble with me i can`t do nothing without my baby


3/ YEAR =

4/ SONG =

My boot scooting baby is driving me crazy my obsession from a western my dance hall date my rodeo romeo cowboy guy from head to toe


6/ YEAR =

7/ SONG =

Don`t hang around and let your problems surround you there are picture shows down town maybe you know some little places to go where they never close down town just listen to the rythm of a gentle bosa nova.


9/ YEAR =

10/ SONG =

My love has got no money he`s got his strong beliefs my love has got no power he`s got his strong beliefs my love has got no fame he`s got his strong beliefs more and more people just want more and more

11/ ARTIST =

12/ YEAR =

13/ SONG =

As the snow falls on a cold and grey Chicago morn a poor little baby boy is born in the ghetto and his mother cried cos if there`s one thing that she don`t need it`s another hungy little mouth to feed.

14/ ARTIST =

15/ YEAR =

16/ SONG =

Without you standing by my side loving good fortune passes me by and you were my guiding light it seems so easy when we say goodbye. how different would the world be now if only we had worked it out somehow what kind of fools you and i

17/ ARTIST =

18/ YEAR =

19/ SONG =

Think it time i got this straight sit down and talk face to face there`s no way you could mistake the boy your meaning your insane you see i know you might be jealous of me cos your blind if you can`t see that his love is all in me.

20/ ARTIST =

21/ YEAR =

22/ SONG =

I stop and stare at you walking on the shore i try to concentrate my mind wants to explorethe tropical scent of you takes me up above and girl when i look at you oh i fall in love.

23/ ARTIST =

24/ YEAR =

Thats your lot if you have any problems with this lot don`t blame me blame Sian (Tiffany Blue) and if you think you can do better then for your chance to see your questions here all you need to do is win this week..The only way to win is to enter. So get your answers sent in to [email protected]
BEFORE MIDNIGHT FRIDAY..Go on then what you waiting for do it NOW..

For last week and previous weeks quiz click here POP PICKERS PUZZLER (HOME PAGE) WEEK FIVE

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